Date of birth required when registering


Feb 20, 2011
I am intrigued as to why a date of birth is required in order to register for a forum about shaving - in the words of a certain ex-politician, please explain.
A few reasons:

The first is that due to various regulations and laws around the world, anyone under the age of 13 needs direct parental permission to join forums. In the US this is known as the COPPA Act and while this site is wholly outside of US Jurisdiction, I don't think anyone under the age of 13 will have a large interest in shaving. So, anyone who answers the Date of Birth question and is under 13, then it will block them from registering, even if they then change it so that they 'appear' older.

Secondly, the forums will send you a birthday message on your birthday.

Thanks for joining, I trust you will enjoy your time here.