Helping out Ambos and essential services pif.


... had his first - 15/8/20
Sep 3, 2018
As of today Victorian paramedics are shaving off their beards so their protective masks fit better.

I've sent Ambulance Victoria a long winded msg via Instagram wanting to help out an Ambo who now needs to shave for the first time in who knows with a razor and a years supply of blades. Obviously I lm not offering used brushes or creams etc as these would need to be new.

I've got contacts at Parker razors from previous Instagram promotions with them and asked them to get on board.

It's not much and just a token gift but it means no extra cost of razors/catridges etc and it all helps and shows support. The forum link can be added as a reference for any that have questions and need advice as Im sure everyone would do so happily.

Will hopefully get a response soon but is this something you guys would allow to happen here with any willing members?

Cheers guys

Chad. ..