Shaving without a SAFETY BAR!!

Cheers @SpeedyPC don't know will ever give that one a go. Managed enough damage with baseplate and safety bar intact
My old man used to shave without a safety bar so feeling embarrassed I convinced him to try a R41 instead and later got him a Rocca R94 and he's never looked back!
Contender for Darwinian shaving award :)
I'm pretty sure I saw a similar video with a DE blade stuck to a fingernail. Nobody ever says they enjoyed the shave though. I call BS until someone can prove they had a good shave with a sharpened piece of rock.
If you're going to insist on calling me an old fart when I'm only 7 years older than you, you had better get used to being called Grasshopper again. Just sayin'...

How old do you THINK!! I am Grumpy

No safety bar? Yea I have straight razors.
As long as you don’t have too many beers first the you are fine.
As for age, well I’m from 89 so your all old to me :)
IF, you're starting to grow grey hairs brother, blame the kids for making you to grow old quicker.
I've got a good way around that. Shaving face and melon everyday, nobody (including me) has seen the colour of my hair for decades. For all I know, it could be pink or brindle. :p