
Yep I'm a convert. LOve my alum straight after the first cold splash....rinse then Thayers and then a balm.

From what I've read and experienced, as long as it potassium alum then it's all good....whether it's $5 or $25
Avoid the sticks.
Water dissolves Alum and no matter how vigilant, in time the entire stick will fall out and shatter due to the threads holding it in are no longer.
Go and check out your local Indian Supermarket. Normal block alum's should set you back a couple of bucks - not the $10, $15, $20+ you see at some stores.

I bought a few in Penang for around the equivalent of 70c Aussie each.
Avoid the sticks.
Water dissolves Alum and no matter how vigilant, in time the entire stick will fall out and shatter due to the threads holding it in are no longer.

Use alum every time. I got a stick inspite of the warnings that they'll fall apart. Was attracted by the fact that I could actually buy something useful to wet shaving over the counter at a real life shop. Yes, it probably will fall apart. You can see the crystals build up inside. Water not only dissolves alum, thankfully it does otherwise it wouldn't work, but alum actually attracts water. So the moment you can't get the lid back on the stick, which in my case happened after one use, it just sucks water out of the air. Given a choice I'd prefer the little blocks. The stick is starting to look a bit grotty.

Go for the little blocks if you can find them. I'm in WA. You can't find anything here.
I have three local Indian grocers and they all carry alum. Two of them are masked labelled "shave alum" and are less than $3. The other has an Indian name and was only $2. Mine has lasted about 12 months so far and will last at least another 18.
I'd suggest buffering your next @Gifts& order with some alum. Sooo much cheaper from there...I have about 5 years worth sitting in a box in the shed.
Connaughts was the last one I bought from a specialised shaving shop. Cost next to nothing.

Packaging was decidedly average but the product does the same job.
Just went down to the local Indian supermarket. $1 for a decent size block (guessing 75-100 grams). Bargain!

On a separate note I also picked up a metal money tin (the ones with an Australian bank note pictured on them) for $1.50 at The Reject Shop. Going to use it for disposing of used razor blades. Not as cheap as a DIY job but easier and relatively inexpensive.
Avoid the sticks.
Water dissolves Alum and no matter how vigilant, in time the entire stick will fall out and shatter due to the threads holding it in are no longer.

I am using a stick (for deoderant use) for the last 12 months and it hasn't got to that stage. Same with my Alum block (which I actually dont use much as I find distilled witchhazel does it for me).
My missus insists of dunking her alum stick under the tap and its looking like a snow cone ... expecting it to give up in the next few weeks

You shouldn't wet the stick or block, only wet you body/face before you rub it in thoroughly . Then leave it on a window sill (or somewhere draughty) to dry for a few minutes
Weird, I went through two breaking before swearing off them and for the record, they lived upon a north facing window to ensure quickest dry times and minimal moisture issues.
Weird, I went through two breaking before swearing off them and for the record, they lived upon a north facing window to ensure quickest dry times and minimal moisture issues.

Maybe I got good ones :-D

I actually had the disintegration issue, in the past, but read something about not putting it under the tap/wetting it and it works for me.
Also for deodorant usage, you need to rub it until your skin almost goes dry (so apply on damp skin).
Its a bit of extra effort but the performance works out a lot better than roll-ons for me.

I sort of like do the same with the alum block post-shaving ... make sure my skin is damp enough to be slippery but not soaking.
Hmmmm....been doing some reading (dangerous). Left wondering if using alum on post-shave skin is wise. Aluminium has been linked to such corkers as Alzheimers. Studies conflict but most claim the aluminium in alum, when used as a deodorant, is too 'large' to enter the bloodstream. But post-shave we are introducing it to weepers and cuts that let it right on into our pumping red goodness.

So we OK?
Only one way to find out.
Want to be a pioneer mate ?
From what I understand there is no firm conclusive evidence that aluminium is linked to Alzheimer's in any way. We should be OK.

NO - I read it somewhere. Can't remember where though ... [boom tish]
We are good - on the phone and too lazy to type, but same explanation I gave you via PM
Care to share publicly, am genuinely interested in the topic.
We are good - on the phone and too lazy to type, but same explanation I gave you via PM
Oh yes, yes, yes! I recall that brain's not what it once was.
For those interested I found the PM and here's the content for the benefit of y'all
(hope this is OK to post @alfredus mate?)

I assume you avoid aluminium compounds because of possible links to brain diseases correct?

Well alum is an inorganic compound - a rock - like salt.

The possible problematic compounds are organic compounds, so Al-carbohydrate bonds.

Inorganics are mostly water soluble, and often highly stable (like in this case or sodium chloride - table salt) - organics (or in this case more accurately organometallics) are mostly oil/solvent soluble and in this case highly unstable and highly reactive.

I don't know how good you are in chemistry - but it's like comparing something like Magnesium Chloride (sold for it's healing properties as a bath salt) and MethylMagnesiumChloride (CH3MgCl) a highly reactive and acidic compound of which a couple of drops will burn a nice hole in your arm. If you check the formula there is a C-Mg (Carbon - Magnesium) bond and the carbon has further bonds to 3 Hydrogens. This is a so called hydrocarbon and the main component of organic chemistry.

I wanted to compare sodium chloride (NaCl) with a sodium organometallic - but these are so reactive and unstable, that I would have to talk about SodiumCyclopentadiene....

It is a bit hard to explain these things (ask my wife) - but the basic message is the paragraph in red.

Hope I could somehow explain...
I use basically the same as the OP but with a different label on it for deodorant since i don't like most strong smelling ones and after reading the label and seeing posts about alum started using it on my face aswell. kinda weird but same razor and soap and aftershave and shaving rash is almost a thing of the past just from the alum.
As an added benefit because i have a face with a lot of tiny scar marks n lumps on it that i'm for ever knicking ,I found just dabbing the alum on it for a few seconds stops the bleeding just like the sticks do so win-win.
not to mention it saves time since i shave after showering anyway so i just do my face then my pits then give the stick a rinse off. so far no issues with breaking or disolving and been at it like this for over a month now and using it for deodorant for 3 months all up.