Does soap have a use-by date?


Jun 18, 2017
Just curious as I have amassed a whole 5 soaps which will probably last me a year or two by the looks of it and I was just wondering if they go 'off' at all?

I believe it's more like a 'best before', usually somewhere on the label there will be a little image of a tub with a number (usually either 12 or 24 for soap) that tells you how long after opening the product is "good" for. However, you should find that as long as you take care of your soaps (allow them to dry thoroughly before closing them up and putting them away) they should be good for longer than that.

Scent strength may go down over time, but overall performance should be relatively consistent. I have read about tallow going rancid, but I think if you make sure the soap has at least 24 hours to dry between shaving and being put away it shouldn't be an issue.

Here is some more information about cosmetics and their "best before" dates:

"The period-after-opening symbol or PAO symbol is a graphic symbol that identifies the useful lifetime of a cosmetic product after its package has been opened for the first time. It depicts an open cosmetics pot and is used together with a written number of months or years."

I have some vintage soaps with 50+ years on them probably. They are still fine although often without any real scent unless VERY well sealed.
I have found artisan soaps (croaps) to be somewhat sensitive.

I have certain soaps that have lost most scent in under 3 years, some have developed a strange smell, have formed solid beads (stearic spots?).

I have about 20 artisan croaps in my rotation and they are all great performers but I don't really intend to increase that number. I prefer hard milled soaps as they don't suffer the same effects as above and they last forever!
I have 7 year old Cella. Still works, still smells like Cella.

Wow! Do you keep it in the fridge?

My cella went off in one Sydney summer!!... Not that i liked it anyway but still, i could have sold or pif'd it!
That's the one! I've been trying to remember the name of a soap that I can't seem to find.
That was a good tallow based soap. Not really the right season for tabac and every other soap I have is glycerin based. I need some cella or MWF I think.

E: Can't find my sandalwood d.r. harris either.