Shave of the Day 2015

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Don't know if I qualify as having more experience but just whack it in there any old how. Circular, back and forth....makes no difference really. A shaving brush is a utilitarian object. A glorified yard broom if you will. At some stage in it's life the knot will disintegrate. I read somewhere about people using a brush and every day storing it covered in lather upside down on top of a puck for years on end. Although I personally wouldn't do that because it's just messy but that's really my kind of shaving.
No difference he asserts, try turning it upside down and build a lather mate ;)

I do agree with the essential premise you're sharing, it's a consumable product :)

But I don't have your address mate - I do have his I think ....
Mate, you've posted to me before ??? Hope you're not thinking too hard mate, need to save the thinks for your studies :p
Brush: Vintage Simpson Re-Knot
Razor: Fatboy on 5
Blade: English Gillette Platinum
Soap: Le Pere Lucien
A/S: Captains Choice Lime

Much better shave than yesterdays. The LPL works a treat, although I did need to load the brush for a lot longer than usual, a full minute instead of my usual 15 - 30 secs. It was worth it though, the lather was one of the densest I've ever had and did everything it should and more. Slick, protective and great scent as well.
Razor: Gillette Rocket 'Parat'
Blade: Personna Super Platinum Chrome 1998@2
Cream: TOBS - Coconut
A/S: Aqua Velva Original Sport

Double WTG + ATG for a DFS result.

Thater 49125
Soap/Cream: Tabac
Razor: Gillette NEW SC
Blade: Feather (3)
After-shave: Jabonman Vanilla and Cinnamon Milk

What a great shave!!!!
Big thanks to @Lifes a Peach for the loan of the Gillette NEW SC. Interesting as I found the SC smoother than the LC - which seems to run contrary to the YKW consensus. Difference is you feel the teeth of the comb more than the LC. The SC though smoother, does seem to bite a little easier, while the LC you can throw around your face with little concern.

Ignore @Nightguard 's disparaging take on the Thater - pfffft trying to compare it to the barbarian Simpsons Duke brush. This Thater bulb is the bee's knees!
Brush: usual
Razor: usual
A/S: usual
Blade: thought it was a feather on #5 bit was surprised to find a vintage Personna that I didn't remember swapping in.
Soap: Occam's original

Bit of a rushed shave and ended up with a weeper or two - all my fault.

That Occam's is good stuff I tell you! Not really a summer soap but it was shivery conditions at 23C this morning (and hadn't got much warmer all day!)

Barrister & Mann Fougere Aromatique

So tried the darker specimen based on scent alone. Got to say the lather produced was incredible. A veritable yoghurt explosion in the bowl. The lather did tend to dissipate on the face a little and the post-shave feel a tad dry but it can all be forgiven as the slickness was phenomenal - made up for a third of the shortcomings and the scent the other two thirds. Oh boy, absolutely love it!!! Scent is about as subtle as a Southern European tuning a beautiful woman, and that suits me fine, but sooo good

Hats off to @Barrister & Mann - great soap mate!
Heads up to @Lifes a Peach - hand up high here if you need to relieve yourself of that pot!

Nice review of the @Barrister & Mann , Stillsy. I read somewhere that the Fougere will be available again sometime in April. Keep your eyes peeled.
As for the dissipation of the lather and the dry post feel - try adding more water. Plumb forgot to tell you that B&M soaps are very thirsty.
Brush: Semogue 620 (thanks @MrT)
Pre-Shave: Occams Crushed Lime Pre-Shave soap
Soap/Cream: Stirling Port au Prince
Razor: Razorock Stealth Slant v3 (thanks @Lifes a Peach)
Blade: Feather [2]
After-shave: Speick splash
Scent: Stratos Eau de Mo (thanks @MrT)

Nice little face scrubber that Smoggie 620... Lovely handle. Personally I'd prefer a higher loft though.

Stirling seems to be the flavour of the month so decided to crack open one of my never-ending samples. Strongly scented and slick lather. The lather of this version is quite "flat" but works very well nonetheless.
Brush: Duke 2
Razor: Gillette New LC
Blade: Gillette Platinum
Soap: Stirling Tuscany
A/S: TOBS Bay Rum

First shave with Stirling, thanks again @stillshunter, and I wasn't all that impressed. As has been noted it is very slick, but that's about the only quality it really has. The lather was thin and offered very little cushion, the scent was nice enough but nothing too special.
As has been noted it is very slick, but that's about the only quality it really has. The lather was thin and offered very little cushion, the scent was nice enough but nothing too special.
Maybe it was because it was lathered with the Duke... [emoji13]
Nah, pulling your leg... I find the Stirling lather to be thin or "flat" (as it's not fluffy). But it still protects my face enough (and more than some other soaps). I think the lather requires more work. Certainly other soaps with better lather performance all round but IMHO it's good quality nonetheless.
Maybe it was because it was lathered with the Duke... [emoji13]
Nah, pulling your leg... I find the Stirling lather to be thin or "flat" (as it's not fluffy). But it still protects my face enough (and more than some other soaps). I think the lather requires more work. Certainly other soaps with better lather performance all round but IMHO it's good quality nonetheless.
It does get the job done but I really like a thick dense lather and it just doesn't do that.
It does get the job done but I really like a thick dense lather and it just doesn't do that.
Yep. I've found that Stirling (old formula) doesn't give a thick dense lather, but a condensed smooth lather. The lather is more like pouring cream than whipped cream. It still gives protection, just not as much as others. It excels in the slickness department.
Yep. I've found that Stirling (old formula) doesn't give a thick dense lather, but a condensed smooth lather. The lather is more like pouring cream than whipped cream. It still gives protection, just not as much as others. It excels in the slickness department.
Full disclosure - @Nightguard (NG) is using the very same Stirling sample I was, the any perceived 'common' failings are directly attributable to a single sample puck of "Tuscany'.

...I have to agree wholeheartedly with NG here - I don't rate the Stirling lather. It's harder work for no real gain. There are too many soaps out there that give me as good a slickness and a far better protective lather with nicer post-shave face feel that I don't much see the point of putting up with its shortcomings. I'd opt to move onto the better all-rounders like Occams, Jabonman, Wickhams, Speick, Tabac, etc.
Brush: Semogue 620 (thanks @MrT)
Pre-Shave: Occams Crushed Lime Pre-Shave soap
Soap/Cream: Stirling Port au Prince
Razor: Razorock Stealth Slant v3 (thanks @Lifes a Peach)
Blade: Feather [2]
After-shave: Speick splash
Scent: Stratos Eau de Mo (thanks @MrT)

Nice little face scrubber that Smoggie 620... Lovely handle. Personally I'd prefer a higher loft though.

Stirling seems to be the flavour of the month so decided to crack open one of my never-ending samples. Strongly scented and slick lather. The lather of this version is quite "flat" but works very well nonetheless.

I think the 610 has a slightly higher loft. It also has a higher grade of bristle, with 90% of bristles as tips (vs 75% for the 620). Might be more your style, although I think the lower % of tips is what gives the 620 it's great backbone.
Gentlemen please use more product with Stirling soaps. There is a YouTube video in which Rod even lather on the puck me you get thick yoghurty lather if you start with a lot of product and gradually add water.
Hey Gents,

Checking in. Been busy this week anyway finally got a chance to setup Flickr.

Received my Chubby 2 last week and been enjoying it in my rotation. In the past I had a chubby 2 in 2 band and ended up selling it as for me it hogged the lather and was not enjoyable for the reason it was hard to splay and had a short pointy knot.

The chubby 2 in super 3 band I can say is a totally different beast. Let me tell you that you don't know what dense is until you have put a chubby 3 band to your face. The weight of the hair alone is astonishing [emoji5]️

In use it is actually well behaved and the short fan shape means the knot is flexible. This allows you to work the lather in building it with circular strokes. Once you have used it a few times the handle performs. As the lather remains at the tips I haven't found it to be a messy brush, which is a pet hate of mine as I don't like lather all over my fingers.
Gentlemen please use more product with Stirling soaps. There is a YouTube video in which Rod even lather on the puck me you get thick yoghurty lather if you start with a lot of product and gradually add water.
Ouch! The G-word?!?
OK I didn't much like the Stirling soaps but to call me that name.
Hey Gents,

Checking in. Been busy this week anyway finally got a chance to setup Flickr.

Received my Chubby 2 last week and been enjoying it in my rotation. In the past I had a chubby 2 in 2 band and ended up selling it as for me it hogged the lather and was not enjoyable for the reason it was hard to splay and had a short pointy knot.

The chubby 2 in super 3 band I can say is a totally different beast. Let me tell you that you don't know what dense is until you have put a chubby 3 band to your face. The weight of the hair alone is astonishing [emoji5]️

In use it is actually well behaved and the short fan shape means the knot is flexible. This allows you to work the lather in building it with circular strokes. Once you have used it a few times the handle performs. As the lather remains at the tips I haven't found it to be a messy brush, which is a pet hate of mine as I don't like lather all over my fingers.
That is a beautiful brush!
Thanks Filo. Certainly fills my big brush category. Best part is I got it for a killer price and it was well and truly covered by the sale of my kent.
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