Shave of the Day 2015

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Thanks Filo. Certainly fills my big brush category. Best part is I got it for a killer price and it was well and truly covered by the sale of my kent.
Nice work! It's great to have it work out like that so well.
Hey Gents,

Checking in. Been busy this week anyway finally got a chance to setup Flickr.

Received my Chubby 2 last week and been enjoying it in my rotation. In the past I had a chubby 2 in 2 band and ended up selling it as for me it hogged the lather and was not enjoyable for the reason it was hard to splay and had a short pointy knot.

The chubby 2 in super 3 band I can say is a totally different beast. Let me tell you that you don't know what dense is until you have put a chubby 3 band to your face. The weight of the hair alone is astonishing [emoji5]️

In use it is actually well behaved and the short fan shape means the knot is flexible. This allows you to work the lather in building it with circular strokes. Once you have used it a few times the handle performs. As the lather remains at the tips I haven't found it to be a messy brush, which is a pet hate of mine as I don't like lather all over my fingers.

Great bruch and nice SOTD

Return of the King?
My Fatboy exec has been at the repairers as it got slightly out of alignment in a fall. So after finding it today (I misplaced it as soon as I got it home) I decided I should try it again.
Blade: French Wilkie
Brush: Omega 10005
Soap: T&H Rose (from P&CTB1)
A/S aqua velva (souped up)

Wimped out for the first shave with the repaired razor and set the dial to 5.
Has a nice comfortable shave but must have has a few micro nicks as the a/s burned upon application.

I think it's as good as before. Will have to give it a few more shaves to be sure.
Who did your repairs mate ?
That would be our very own @Mark1966.
And the shave was kind of an ode to him as all items in the shave but the brush are linked to him.
It was sent to Mark with the understanding that I wasn't expecting it back. If he managed to fix it it was a bonus in my mind. I don't know how major the problem was but I just don't know my way around a butterfly razor to want to risk the fix myself.
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Morning - well around 3.00pm actually (busy morning).
Cold water (well, as cold as the water gets in Townsville during summer)
Brush: Simpson Berkeley
Soap: P160
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 - Barley Chrome
Blade: Schick Plus Platnum

Good lather, good shave. Good soap, good razor, good blade.

Just so GOOOOOD.

No evening shave tonight - 10.45pm and my eyes are hanging out of my head.
That would be our very own @Mark1966.
And the shave was kind of an ode to him as all items in the shave but the brush are linked to him.
It was sent to Mark with the understanding that I wasn't expecting it back. If he managed to fix it it was a bonus in my mind. I don't know how major the problem was but I just don't know my way around a butterfly razor to want to risk the fix myself.

It was a very simple fix (I'm no Captain Murphy!) and I'm glad that it was found after return and seems in good order :)
That would be our very own @Mark1966.

It was sent to Mark with the understanding that I wasn't expecting it back. If he managed to fix it it was a bonus in my mind. I don't know how major the problem was but I just don't know my way around a butterfly razor to want to risk the fix myself.

It was a very simple fix (I'm no Captain Murphy!) and I'm glad that it was found after return and seems in good order :)

Hmm didn't know you did the above mate, what is the asking commission for your service ?
Have 2x slims that I'm considering restoring at least one of them and keep the other as a user grade or even possibly sell, yet not sure if they're worth restoring, or if they're worth it.

BTW @eggbert , should ask how you're weathering up there mate.
Hmm didn't know you did the above mate, what is the asking commission for your service ?
Have 2x slims that I'm considering restoring at least one of them and keep the other as a user grade or even possibly sell, yet not sure if they're worth restoring, or if they're worth it.

BTW @eggbert , should ask how you're weathering up there mate.
Luckily mine was an easy fix as Mark says. I don't think he sees himself doing much of this type of work, it was just a final look for me otherwise I would have either butchered it or thrown the razor away (on eBay).

As for the weather, we had a lovely cool Friday where the rain meant the temperature didn't get above 25. But today it was back to normal. The cyclone was way to the east of us fortunately.
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Yardley Shaving Soap (vintage)
Razor: Gillette Slim (7)
Blade: NOS vintage Schick Super Platinum (1)
After-shave: SIM balm

I confess that I largely got the Yardley soap because I loved the cool bowl. Shallow I know but hey, don't judge me ....

Decided to slip a new Schick in the Slim and dial it up a little .

Overall result was a great shave. I wasn't expecting much from the Yardley as all i had left was an irregular shaped lump in the bottom of the bowl after cutting out samples for the PCTB3 but the lather was good, I'd rate this soap and would certainly get more if I could find it.
I confess that I largely got the Yardley soap because I loved the cool bowl. Shallow I know but hey, don't judge me ....
Hey nothing wrong with a shallow bowl - I have a few and get on with them just fine. Shallow people on the other hand.....

P.S. like the new avatar
Today went with another dense favourite. Nothing about this handle is impractical. It's design is real hidden genius.

Loving my shaves at the moment BBS all over and only cool relief from the peppermint Myrsol. Also finish off with a dab of Cade asb. Little goes a long way and leaves your skin smelling nice and relaxed.
Loving these shots @Young Buck .

A hint - which is entirely non-prescriptive but learned during my years on Flickr. If you wish to display your Flickr images directly, here's how I do it for from within Flickr.

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You can also just see the "Insert Image" icon on your post, but the process from within Flickr (above) gives you more control of its ultimate appearance including size, etc.

Now that Suck Eggs 101 is written, I'll move onto 102 :oops:

Ouch! The G-word?!?
OK I didn't much like the Stirling soaps but to call me that name.

Come on guys - second day abovc 40C - cut me some slack ;)


Brush: Whipped Dog High Mountain 24/48
Pre-Shave: Occams Origina pre-shave soap
Soap: Stirling Bay Rum (new formula)
Razor: Above the Tie R1 Kronos
Blade: Gillette Goal (2)
Post-shave: South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil

OK, I take it all back - the new Stirling formula behaves indeed very different to the old one. I started with a way dryer brush than usual and feel I still used too much water. The soap lathers much quicker, but I think it will take some time to adjust. The scent is exactly the way I remember and the lather almost slicker - if that is possible...

Many thanks to @razorguy for the fantastic tip of using Olive Oil as post shave - this is unbelievable and I don't think the heavenly feeling can be attributed to the soap - the olive oil make such a difference - please try it out!

Brush: Whipped Dog High Mountain 24/48

That is one damn fine looking brush you have there mate. How's she on the puck and the face?

Curious about the use of oils post-shave - especially after some WitchHazel. Curious though as to how good an idea this is for those of us with oily skin already? For instance, I don't much get on with balms as they seem to clog my pores and cause breakouts and the suchlike. Maybe @razorguy can weigh in on this too???
That is one damn fine looking brush you have there mate. How's she on the puck and the face?

Curious about the use of oils post-shave - especially after some WitchHazel. Curious though as to how good an idea this is for those of us with oily skin already? For instance, I don't much get on with balms as they seem to clog my pores and cause breakouts and the suchlike. Maybe @razorguy can weigh in on this too???
Thank you - there will be this week a side by side review with the WD 24/48 Silvertip I have on YKW - I promised it last year already...

As for the Olive Oil: I went to Adelaide Market, tasted and smelled a couple of Olive Oils and bought 750ml of the best Organic stuff for ~10AU$ - if it hadn't worked out on my skin, it would have made a damn fine oil in the kitchen :)

I can only suggest you do the same thing and try it out...
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