Shave of the Day 2015

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Loving these shots @Young Buck .

A hint - which is entirely non-prescriptive but learned during my years on Flickr. If you wish to display your Flickr images directly, here's how I do it for from within Flickr.

- Open the page with your image - e.g.
- Select the "-->" icon - (below your image, the middle icon - right of the star)
- Under "Code", select your Size
- Below Size select "BB Code"
- Copy All of what it is that text box
- Paste that text string in your post.

You can also just see the "Insert Image" icon on your post, but the process from within Flickr (above) gives you more control of its ultimate appearance including size, etc.

Now that Suck Eggs 101 is written, I'll move onto 102 :oops:

I only see options for URL, code and img. Doesn't seem to work
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BTW @eggbert , should ask how you're weathering up there mate.

Or did you mean how am I weathering the new addition to the family? Was going well until today when he made some strange noise distracting me from cutting some herbs. With the obvious end result of a slightly shorter thumb for me.

Hurts like a very hurty thing !
Or did you mean how am I weathering the new addition to the family? Was going well until today when he made some strange noise distracting me from cutting some herbs. With the obvious end result of a slightly shorter thumb for me.

Hurts like a very hurty thing !

Ah @eggbert welcome to the wonderful world of parenthood. As time goes on you will look at a sliced thumb as no more than a scratch between the battle between you and the sprog. In later years you will in act look for that very knife but not to cut herbs (or your thumb) with. The sprog knew exactly when to make the strange noise as that as why they are put on this earth. You can only save yourself by being constantly on guard for toys "accidently " put at the top of stairs etc.
I only see options for URL, code and img. Doesn't seem to work
So under "Code" - which I assume you're finding under "Share this Photo" - so the right half of your screen should look something like this:


You choose size and the BBCode.

Brush: Vintage Simpson Butterscotch Re-Knot
Razor: Rocket HD
Blade: Gillette Platinum (2)
Soap: Shaver Heaven Forbidden Forest V.1
A/S: Speick + 444

Just a very pleasant shave today. Love the scent of the Forbidden Forest soap and it lathers beautifully. Not the best post shave feeling but that's what Speick is for.

Something like that @stillshunter . How do you stop the image from being a link back to Flickr?
...and you don't lose the link....which is what's so cool about Flickr! you can browse around the user's flickrstream. If you don't want the link then I'd suggest the likes of imgur - which is what I use for my shaving images.
If you don't want the link, only keep the bit from {IMG} to {/IMG}.
Or did you mean how am I weathering the new addition to the family? Was going well until today when he made some strange noise distracting me from cutting some herbs. With the obvious end result of a slightly shorter thumb for me.

Hurts like a very hurty thing !
I did mean the weather, yet good to hear the little tyke already has you upon your toes :)
SOTD morning:
Cold water shave
Preshave: none
Brush: Simpson Berkeley
Soap: P160
Razor: EJ DE89 - 3 pass shave & tidy-up
Blade: Schick
AS: Oogallala Bay Rum & Peppercorns

Nice lather from this soap again. Shaving with this razor is always great. This AS just stays all day.

Cold water shave
Preshave: none
Soap: P160
Razor: Dovo SS 5/8 - 3 pass shave tidy-up.
AS: Booster Oriental Spice

Love the straight!!! Nice, gentle scented AS that is pleasant to apply before retiring each evening.
Sunday 22 February 2015


Mastro Livi Damasteel, 7/8 Full Hollow, Livi Point

Super smooth shave! This is the very first straight razor I ordered to Mastro Livi and it certainly is one of the finest in my collection. It is now about two years since I bought this razor and it always served me impeccably. Never honed or even touched up with chromium oxide paste, it still shaves like the first day. To the pleasure of this lovely shave I added a new acquisition: a Voigt & Cop shave brush, a well made brush made in Italy by two artisans and of which I am very happy. Today's shave can be certainly called a genuine and very good shave made in Italy.​
  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Stirling Naked & Smooth
  • Brush: Voigt & Cop - High Mountain White Badger - Maple Burl Handle - 24 mm knot
  • Bowl: Gerby Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Damasteel, 7/8 Full Hollow, Livi Point
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: RazorGuy Bay Rum
Curious about the use of oils post-shave - especially after some WitchHazel. Curious though as to how good an idea this is for those of us with oily skin already? For instance, I don't much get on with balms as they seem to clog my pores and cause breakouts and the suchlike. Maybe @razorguy can weigh in on this too???

Shaving, despite it can be seen a pleasure and a rite for all of us - and it certainly is - it is also useful for exfoliating your skin, therefore removing dead cells. No matter how good this can sound, a blade is always a blade and not a feather. That's why oils as a post shave can be useful in protecting your skin, including the fact olive oil contains tocopherols, a good skin food and antioxidant. It really takes few minutes to be absorbed by your skin, provided you use just few drops of it.
Many thanks to @razorguy for the fantastic tip of using Olive Oil as post shave - this is unbelievable and I don't think the heavenly feeling can be attributed to the soap - the olive oil make such a difference - please try it out!

I am very glad to read you enjoyed olive oil as a post shave and, funny to see, it seems today we both used the same soap and post-shave. :)
To me, olive oil or argan oil as a post shave really make a difference!
Is this THE Berkeley? How do you like it Dale? I thought it was a great brush (bit big for travel, hence the Case now)

No it is ANOTHER Berkeley - I had two I discovered :whistle: and sold the second one to @Dale.Whiley
Ah - They do tend to breed up at your place Mark.
I am very glad to read you enjoyed olive oil as a post shave and, funny to see, it seems today we both used the same soap and post-shave. :)
To me, olive oil or argan oil as a post shave really make a difference!
Yes, It's unbelievable. I got up in the middle of the night and still had a sensational face feel...

Argan oil had to be ordered from Sydney and should arrive this week - looking forward trying out the difference!
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