Shave of the Day 2015

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It was a heck of a nice tip by @razorguy wasn't it? Who needs to pay for a specialist moisturiser to wrap up proceedings when a few drops (which is the key!) of EVOO or Argan Oil (FWIW I agree with you EVOO is superior to Argan!) and a lil water on the other hand work wonders.

I have to say it leaves my face noticeably sleek/plump/refined feeling for several hours after use and completely ironically if you apply the right amount (which is seriously only 3-4 drops) I get a very oil-FREE finish, whereas a lot of commercial moisturisers that had mineral oil and who knows what in them would leave a cloggy, sticky finish.
Couldn't agree more - also think EVOO is superior from the feel, although argan is absorbed faster...having said that: I think the face gets used to one or the other, so I would always use argan after every 3-4 times using EVOO
Couldn't agree more - also think EVOO is superior from the feel, although argan is absorbed faster...having said that: I think the face gets used to one or the other, so I would always use argan after every 3-4 times using EVOO
Agree with you all on @razorguy 's excellent recommendation - Top Tip of 2015 so far. I'm getting on really well with the Argan face just laps it up. Just bought some organic Almond Oil this afternoon. We'll see how it goes...
On a positive note the lather and the post-shave feel were/are SENSATIONAL - so all is forgiven.

I am very glad olive oil is now part of your post shave routine and you find it useful. I have to investigate on Australian olive oil, though. I guess I would love to know what kind of olives are cultivated in Australia for making oil. I will investigate more for sure.

It was a heck of a nice tip by @razorguy wasn't it? Who needs to pay for a specialist moisturiser to wrap up proceedings when a few drops (which is the key!) of EVOO or Argan Oil (FWIW I agree with you EVOO is superior to Argan!) and a lil water on the other hand work wonders.

I have to say it leaves my face noticeably sleek/plump/refined feeling for several hours after use and completely ironically if you apply the right amount (which is seriously only 3-4 drops) I get a very oil-FREE finish, whereas a lot of commercial moisturisers that had mineral oil and who knows what in them would leave a cloggy, sticky finish.

I am very glad many of you in this forum tried olive oil as a post shave and found it nice. And you are right about the key: just 3-5 drops are absolutely enough. Using more would give you an oily face and not so nice to feel or see. I do agree on the fact olive oil is superior to argan oil in this regard.
It is a simple and cheap way to moisturize your skin and feel it nice. After all, most of commercial moisturizer use more or less natural oils, all they do is to modify smell by covering them with fragrances as well as adding antioxidants in order to slow down oxidation of oils.
As far as I am concerned, I prefer spending a little more on a high quality olive oil (which can you can also use for cooking and your health will thank you for that) while being sure about always using a fresh, genuine and sound olive oil.
Brush: Simpson Classic 1
Razor: Rocket HD
Blade: Vintage US Gillette
Soap: WSP Rustic Black Amber Vanille
A/S: Pinaud VIBR

Great shave today, first use of the WSP Rustic, good soap, Easy to lather, nice scent, thanks to @filobiblic for the trade . Pared well with the VIBR.
Friday 6 March 2015


Mastro Livi Inox, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point

This is the other Mastro Livi straight razor I brought with me in this business trip. This is the second trip in which I am bringing with me two razors in order to make my trip even enjoyable. After all, a Mastro Livi box is big enough to accommodate two relatively small sized razor and I could put both the K720 and this 6/8 Inox. In particular, this is one of the straight razors I ordered to Mastro Livi especially for my trips and I must say I am very happy with it. Smooth yet effective, it has the superb performance of stainless steel combined to the velvety touch of a carbon steel.​
  • Pre-Shave: Roberts Distilled Rose Water
  • Soap: Vitos Red
  • Brush: Mühle Travel 31 M 530, Silvertip Fibre - 21 mm
  • Bowl: Chinese Bowl
  • Strop: Mastro Livi Loom Strop and Hand Palm
  • Razor: Mastro Livi Inox, 6/8 Full Hollow, Round Point
  • Post-Shave: Umbrian Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • After Shave: Edelstein Evolution Ice Line
Razor: Wilkinson Sword Classic
Blade: Perma-Sharp SS
Soap: LaToja Shaving Stick
A.F: Pinaud Clubman Virgin Volcano Island Bay Rum

I think I'm done with modern blades, it must be because I shave with vintage blades 19 time out of 20 but todays shave was....mehhh I don't know if the blade was a dud but damn it was tuggy, I should have just changed it : /
I had the punish my face with the Lava Bay Rum, usually I use one splash but today I decided to do it twice....and you know what ? The second time burn even more than the first one ! No joke, if the first splash is a punch in the face, the second is a swing of shovel. Once it dried and the pain is gone, you appreciate life more.
Brush: Omega 31025
Soap/Cream: Kent cream
Razor: Fatboy (7)
Blade: Feather (1)
Post-shave: Argan oil
After-shave: Myrsol Agua Balsamica

Being the weekend, I returned to my own razors - RAW (Razor a (Work) Week) being a work-a-week week is an OLD-type.

So main impetus today was testing out the post-shave phase of the RG (@razorguy ) Method. Before that, the Omega and Kent played very, very well together. I'm wavering now on parting with the Scarlatti. Kent cream is a must-try for all P&Cers. Ticks all boxes of the lather trifecta. OK the meth-heads might be disparaging of the weak menthol kick but I think it ever-present and just about 'uneyewateringly' right. Feather and Fatboy are hand and glove - and 7 is the sweet spot for my mug. So funny how different the Slim and Fatboy are loaded with this same Japanese edge.

Now this RG Method.
Abbreviated - shave > cold rinse > oil > aftershave
My morning - shave > rainwater (I don't do town water) > Argan Oil > Myrsol Agua Balsamica

Looking forward to trying the EVOO next - got some nice local stuff here - but I'm scratching my head as to how to improve on how my face feels right now. Anyone who's got some AB on hand - try it, try it, try it! Smells and feels so right!

C'mon day, what you got?!?!
Brush: Simpson Classic 1
Razor: Rocket HD
Blade: Vintage US Gillette
Soap: Le Pere Lucien
A/S: Speick + 444

The CL1 just keeps getting better, 20 seconds loading, 1 minute on the face and more lather than I could ever use.
That aint deadly it is darn smoooooooooooooooooooooooooooth! One of the best ATG bits of hardware I have ever, ever used. Enjoy @Mark1966
The Standard!
It's aluminium cousin (aka RRSS) didn't hang around long, so let's see how this black beauty goes on the face of Mr Razor DownUnder. [emoji13]
The Standard!
It's aluminium cousin (aka RRSS) didn't hang around long, so let's see how this black beauty goes on the face of Mr Razor DownUnder. [emoji13]
Oh how I miss the Standard! It is right up there on my 2016 Acquisition List along with some iKon razors, Wickhams and Barrister & Mann soaps and my dearest Myrsol.
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Mike's Shaving Soaps - Barbershop
Razor: Standard Razor
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (1)
After-shave: Carven Vetiver Dry

Minimalist aesthetic, light, huge blade gap, smooth handle.

I probably should have inserted a real razor between the two lightweights. Not sure I should comment much at this early stage. Decent result.
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Mike's Shaving Soaps - Barbershop
Razor: Standard Razor
Blade: Personna Lab Blue (1)
After-shave: Carven Vetiver Dry

Minimalist aesthetic, light, huge blade gap, smooth handle.

I probably should have inserted a real razor between the two lightweights. Not sure I should comment much at this early stage. Decent result.

Get a Feather into it mate. SERIOUSLY!!!

BTW isn't Carven Vertiver an EdT rather than AS?
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