Weekly Razor Review

great review,

A question re - the Open Comb plate. Is this separate or is it part of the top plate or the blade.
I like the look of the razor, Creokote should be very durable (Ceramic).
The handle looks very elegant and nostalgic.
@Garry357 I'm not sure I fully understand your question so if I don't give a satisfactory answer, please try again. The head is a normal two-piece safety bar very much like the Blackland Vector. I think the confusion stems from the Kai Titan Mild (Pink) blade that I used in the photo. The blade gives the illusion that the plate is OC.
@Garry357 I'm not sure I fully understand your question so if I don't give a satisfactory answer, please try again. The head is a normal two-piece safety bar very much like the Blackland Vector. I think the confusion stems from the Kai Titan Mild (Pink) blade that I used in the photo. The blade gives the illusion that the plate is OC.
It looks like the blade has a serrated edge, or is the top plate serrated. I’ve never seen this before.
These must be great razors to be getting such a good review. For my part they're just plain ugly with the back end of the blade hanging out the back of the razor. They really look like they should be sporting an AC blade.
To be honest, I was a bit doubtful about the appearance of the Vestige when I first saw it. However, I came around, and lightened my wallet. Now I believe the Vestige may well be my favourite razor.
Shield AC Head Cerakoted Ti – 0.95 (China)

Titanium has a reputation for being a difficult metal to machine so it’s curious why Shield chose titanium for their first couple of years of razor production, but that is exactly what they done. Their lineup of available materials has now been expanded to include brass and stainless steel, but I decided I wanted a cerakoted finish and it is available only on the titanium option. Cerakote comes in all colours of the rainbow and Shield offer any colour cerakoted razor that you desire so long as it’s black. That’s half the story, Shield also offer different levels of efficiency, and I was after a razor to set a standard before I moved to a brass or stainless steel version; this one has the 0.95 gap. Shield’s AC Head razor features the through the blade handle post and with its spindly handle is super lightweight. It would look out of place on any other razor yet functions perfectly with the miniscule design of the AC Head. This razor had not been assembled when I received it, and I was taken back when the handle would not screw fully down; out with the rod oil, screw down, screw back, screw down a little further than last time, etc, etc till everything locked down perfectly. As is normal when Errol oils anything, liberal amounts of oil were applied to the handle post; you should have seen that cerakoated black finish glisten when the excess oil was wiped off.

This razor comes with a warning ‘Can’t use Schick Blade!’ Out with a Schick blade to find out why. When the Schick blade is squeezed over the pins on the plate there is a slight bulge at its centre but with the cap installed the bulge disappeared, the blade sat flat and for once in my life, I heeded the manufacturers warning. While it may feel like a toy with its lightweight and all, don’t become complacent, this razor is very effective. The 0.95mm gapped AC Head Cerakoted Ti sat around Karve CB Level #D efficiency and Shield added a very pleasant amount of blade feel to deliver an extremely close and comfortable shave. This razor with the 0.95 gap plate delivered everything I want in a razor, but for those wanting a little more or a less efficiency, Shield can cover your requirements with plate selection, this razor is good.

Blades Used – Kai Titan Mild (Pink) and Feather Professional

Material – GR5 Titanium

Weight – 36g

Blade Tab - Enclosed

Head Width – 49.92mm

Handle Length – 85.1mm

Handle Diameter – 9.85mm

Availability – AliExpress

Final Word – Sweet
Another Brilliant review @Errol. This is the one offering from Shield that I wanted to pick up but was on the fence regarding the size of the head and how slim it looks, that has changed after your take on the razor. Your pic highlights how nimble this razor probably is. Looks like it would be great for getting under the nose and for Head Shavers too.

I think the Cerakoted razor looks sleeker and classier than the regular GR5. Errol, you got me hooked onto the Grade 5 products from Shield but I have met three lads who started on either Stainless Steel or Brass and now are blown away when they have acquired a few Ti razors. Having said that, they still cherish their Brass and SS ones big time.
Alpha Spirit SE (Hong Kong)

It’s advertised as being the lightest stainless steel SE razor available, I’d better check this claim out. Yes, it’s around 14g lighter than the Blackland Vector, the only other SE razor in that weight class is the Yaqi Romulus and the Spirit is 4g lighter. Both the plate and cap are exceptionally light, but it is the 47mm x 8mm hole in the end of the handle that has the biggest influence on the weight reduction of the Spirit. An 8mm hole in a handle that has an outside diameter of 11mm does not leave a very thick shell but on the Spirit it looks like it should be that way, with the added bonus being that the razor feels perfectly balanced. As I inspected the Spirit, I couldn’t help thinking that this razor reminds me of a surgical instrument; it has that same precision look, satin finish and looks like it was designed to do one specific job, and do it well. Alpha chose not to machine the sides off the blade post but positioned the blade post on top of the blade; at a quick glace you would never guess because the Alpha head looks so small. It took a detailed inspection of the surfaces of cap and plate to establish that they were not together when their final machining was done, exceptional quality control. A very feint line swirls around the length of the handle that is visually stimulating and should also provide positive grip. Continuing the surgical instrument theme, the razor and Alpha’s weight shedding measures, the front portion of the handle is trimmed right down, it looks more like a leather punch.

While it was not exactly unexpected, the Spirit SE delivered very comfortable shaves, time after time. Efficiency was slightly on the lower side of the Karve CB Level #D and Alpha have trimmed the blade feel but it remains positive and is in no way overpowering. These credentials lent themselves to providing a super smooth shave and the Spirit’s shave was as smooth as you’re likely to find anywhere. Because it delivered such impressive results while using the Schick blade, I slipped a Feather Professional Super in for the second blade; no hassle to the Spirit, there were no appreciable changes in performance; maybe a little more efficiency. With its weight trimmed to a minimum, the Spirit could be whizzed around with little fear of a calamity. To say I enjoyed using the Spirit is an understatement, this razor is exceptional, loved it.

Blades Used – Schick and Feather Professional Super

Material – 316L Stainless Steel

Weight – 62.1g

Blade Tab - Covered

Head Width – 51.02mm

Handle Length – 95.05mm

Handle Diameter – 10.99mm

Availability – Alpha Shaving

Final Word – Spirit of The Gods
@ Errol, Was actually waiting for you to take the Spirit for a spin and was split between how you would find it. I think you've nailed down its finer points and the final result of a shave with it perfectly. I do love Steve's work and while I have found some of his Razors to be a bit mild for me, I would always give him full marks for innovation, design and the effort to be unique with his products. His Razor Handles and some of his Brush Handles are fantastic. Having said all that, I was waiting for one of his Razors to emerge as a real winner and I think the Spirit nailed it.

Like You Errol, I was on the fence about how it would perform given it's slim persona, design and weight, Its almost like a well built Titanium tool, But three shaves in and I was vowed at how nimble it was. I've only used the Feather Pro in it as it was a close buddy's razor but your experience with the Schick led me to getting my pal to pick up those blades.

Top Stuff as always Mate and a crisp read this time.
Wolfman WR4 Bronze 0.60 – WRH7 Handle (Canada)

This may be the last WR4 razor I purchase, so I went all out and ordered it in bronze. “Errol, there is no satin finish available in bronze, you can choose between the standard polished finish and the premium polished finish”. To improve on the bronze standard polished finish the premium would have to be something very special; I’ll have the premium polished finish please. In my time I’ve had the opportunity to unpack a Wolfman or two, but this one took my breath away. I was expecting something like the old Charcoal Goods wishy, washy antique finish, but the premium polished bronze WR4 takes razor presentation to the highest level of any razor in my collection. The sparkle radiates from beneath the surface of the metal, gleams in the light and is flawlessly done all over. I’ve never seen anything like it; far more appealing than even Wolfman’s own premium stainless steel finish, and that finish can only be described as superb. This WR4 is the best looking razor I’ve ever seen. I’ve made it known previously that the WRH7 is my choice of Wolfman handle, so one was selected for what is a standout show piece. Seems a pity to even put a blade anywhere near it, but I won’t let something as trivial as good looks stop me from using it. Like all Wolfman razors, there is no excess metal in the design of the WR4, the head is super light. Wolfman have not machined the sides off the handle post, so the plate and cap are secured above the blade, but the profile is still very thin.

One thing this razor could not do is change my appreciation for the Wolfman WR4 model razor and I always knew that the shave was going to be exceptional. Yes, it was, but I did manage a couple of weepers; complacency, and not for one second did I blame the razor. Effectively, this WR4 operated at Karve CB level #D efficiency and the positive blade feel was tailored to match that efficiency level. It was as close a shave as you’d ever wish for and was delivered in a smooth and comfortable manner. With its premium bronze finish, this WR4 is one of my all time great razors and one that I wish I could have more time with. Brilliant.

Blades Used – Feather Professional and Kai Captain Titan Mild

Material – Bronze

Weight – 85.3g

Blade Tab – Covered

Head Width – 50.83mm

Handle Length – 89.84mm

Handle Diameter – 12.84mm

Availability – Wolfman

Final Word – Pride of place
This may be the last WR4 razor I purchase,

Like You, I'm a huge Wolfman fan too and it never surprises me to see a top notch design or finish from them. To be fair, I think we have all come to expect that from a Wolf and the company just keeps increasing the benchmark for the standard of their products. I thought Lambda had nailed the Bronze Finish well but from your review, I can see that finish wise the Wolfie WR4 just pulled ahead.

A pal of mine who has two WR4 heads, labelled every shave of his as , "Buttery Smooth" and I think you've just confirmed that with your WR4 outings. Another Top Review Errol, A Fast and very interesting read and you've cast the temptation net out again for all us blokes.
I wonder, though, why they couldn't do a premium satin finish
I actually explored that thought too Mate. I prefer AS Machined cause it is easier to maintain and remains blemish free but unlike satin still packs in the partial glint of a Polished Razor.

I think Polished Bronze turns it from a Premium looking Razor into a Royal One and Errol's review throws a lot of light on that. The final touches during the Finish of their razors has always intrigued me, that is some exceptional skill behind it. Evn their aluminum Razors are at another level. I couldn't agree with you more Bro, would love to see a few more pics.
I prefer AS Machined cause it is easier to maintain and remains blemish free but unlike satin still packs in the partial glint of a Polished Razor.
Just for clarification, the premium satin finish is polished first, then given a fine brushing. It's still quite a shiny razor. Answering my own earlier musings, they probably keep different brushes for each material, and they probably don't want to carry too many.
Just for clarification, the premium satin finish is polished first, then given a fine brushing. It's still quite a shiny razor. Answering my own earlier musings, they probably keep different brushes for each material, and they probably don't want to carry too many.
Yeah Mate, I totally get that but i do feel that without the premium Satin finish it still packs in a bit of an X factor. Anyways just my opinion. I'm still all for AS Machined, saves money and easy to maintain. :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
Shield ACSE AC2 Ti (China)

I don’t mind trying something different and let me assure you, this one is different. I’ve let it be known on numerous occasions that dual sided razors are not my bag, so why on earth would I choose a razor that is not only dual sided, but this razor uses two different styles of blades. Shield have come up with a razor that uses an AC blade on one side and ½ DE blade on the other and I’m about to give it a try. In reality, it looks like the Stomper (1/2 DE blade) and their older Avenger (AC blade) that have been grafted together; I enjoyed both. I’m going to be the ‘Old Stick in the Mud’ my wife accuses me of being and use the blades one at a time but if you’re out for some real adventure in your shave, you might like to try the ACSE loaded with both blades at the same time. Shield’s machining has always been first class, and this razor is no exception, however without a blade fitted, the cap and plate want to stick together. It might be that those two large flats on the cap and the plate match perfectly and don’t want to separate. An interesting version of the nylon washer recess in the back of the plate is that it is machined to the shape of a shield. While the head is obviously longer than a DE bladed razor to accommodate the AC blade, it is roughly the same width as a DE razor. Both sides of the head are said to have a gap of 1.15 however the exposure differs; 0.12mm for the AC and 0.05mm for the ½ DE blade. This razor’s handle will offer plenty of grip but is let down in the looks department by the ends of the raised portions being squared off, they would look better if the corners were rounded or angled. As is normal with Shield razors the satin finish enhances the razor’s looks.

I’ve approached this review as two separate entities and will provide comment on each side of the head separately, I’ve been using AC bladed razors for the last few reviews so that is where I’ll start:

AC Blade – I was advised against using a Schick blade in the Shield AC Head Cerakote I tested recently so what better blade to use for this review. One lesson learnt from using the AC side of the ACDE is that I don’t require a combination of 1.15mm gap and 0.12mm blade exposure in a Shield razor. At Karve CB Level #D plus efficiency, blade exposure was on the high side of what I feel most comfortable using. There were no mishaps, but it was not pleasant shaving, however a close shave was never in doubt.

½ DE Blade – With its reduced blade exposure, the SE side felt much more civilised and delivered a very comfortable shave. Efficiency was still around the Karve CB Level #D but it was smooth as. Initially I was concerned about the un-bladed section of the razor, the ½ DE blade not being as wide as the AC blade, and how it was going to affect the shave; didn’t even notice it.

At no time during the review did I complete a stroke and not have the blade in contact with my face, but I am still not converted to dual sided razors or in this case dual format blades; give me a single sided SE or an equally sided DE razor any day but someone must like them otherwise Shield and other manufacturers would not bother making them. It’s been an interesting exercise but for my part I don’t think the idea of two different format blades in one razor is going to take over the world.

Blades Used – Schick and Leaf

Material – GR5 Titanium

Weight – 67.8g

Blade Tab - Enclosed

Head Width – 50.84mm

Handle Length – 90.03mm

Handle Diameter – 13.50mm

Availability – AliExpress

Final Word – Intriguing
Shield ACSE AC2 Ti (China)

I don’t mind trying something different and let me assure you, this one is different. I’ve let it be known on numerous occasions that dual sided razors are not my bag, so why on earth would I choose a razor that is not only dual sided, but this razor uses two different styles of blades. Shield have come up with a razor that uses an AC blade on one side and ½ DE blade on the other and I’m about to give it a try. In reality, it looks like the Stomper (1/2 DE blade) and their older Avenger (AC blade) that have been grafted together; I enjoyed both. I’m going to be the ‘Old Stick in the Mud’ my wife accuses me of being and use the blades one at a time but if you’re out for some real adventure in your shave, you might like to try the ACSE loaded with both blades at the same time. Shield’s machining has always been first class, and this razor is no exception, however without a blade fitted, the cap and plate want to stick together. It might be that those two large flats on the cap and the plate match perfectly and don’t want to separate. An interesting version of the nylon washer recess in the back of the plate is that it is machined to the shape of a shield. While the head is obviously longer than a DE bladed razor to accommodate the AC blade, it is roughly the same width as a DE razor. Both sides of the head are said to have a gap of 1.15 however the exposure differs; 0.12mm for the AC and 0.05mm for the ½ DE blade. This razor’s handle will offer plenty of grip but is let down in the looks department by the ends of the raised portions being squared off, they would look better if the corners were rounded or angled. As is normal with Shield razors the satin finish enhances the razor’s looks.

I’ve approached this review as two separate entities and will provide comment on each side of the head separately, I’ve been using AC bladed razors for the last few reviews so that is where I’ll start:

AC Blade – I was advised against using a Schick blade in the Shield AC Head Cerakote I tested recently so what better blade to use for this review. One lesson learnt from using the AC side of the ACDE is that I don’t require a combination of 1.15mm gap and 0.12mm blade exposure in a Shield razor. At Karve CB Level #D plus efficiency, blade exposure was on the high side of what I feel most comfortable using. There were no mishaps, but it was not pleasant shaving, however a close shave was never in doubt.

½ DE Blade – With its reduced blade exposure, the SE side felt much more civilised and delivered a very comfortable shave. Efficiency was still around the Karve CB Level #D but it was smooth as. Initially I was concerned about the un-bladed section of the razor, the ½ DE blade not being as wide as the AC blade, and how it was going to affect the shave; didn’t even notice it.

At no time during the review did I complete a stroke and not have the blade in contact with my face, but I am still not converted to dual sided razors or in this case dual format blades; give me a single sided SE or an equally sided DE razor any day but someone must like them otherwise Shield and other manufacturers would not bother making them. It’s been an interesting exercise but for my part I don’t think the idea of two different format blades in one razor is going to take over the world.

Blades Used – Schick and Leaf

Material – GR5 Titanium

Weight – 67.8g

Blade Tab - Enclosed

Head Width – 50.84mm

Handle Length – 90.03mm

Handle Diameter – 13.50mm

Availability – AliExpress

Final Word – Intriguing
Another brave foray into the unknown (to me anyway) @Errol. But "Intriguing" is far too kind a description. For real intrigue, I am waiting for the one that uses two Gem blades -- one on each side.
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