Saying hi!

I find them quite aggressive compared to the current crop ...
Yeah that was my fear. I'm only new to his wet game and as frustrating as it is to contend with this thick copper wire beard I've been blessed with, and sometimes I wonder if a little more aggression than the DE89 would help, I am afraid that the Alums gonna make itself felt against a peeled flap of skin held down with an Elastoplast.

Maybe an adjustable is a good step two...
Damn things all kinda look the same don't they!

Stills I'd look at some other blades to try and allow some time for technique to bed down.

Good prep and a sharp blade in a DE89 should deal with most anything. It only hair after all :)
Yeah that was my fear. I'm only new to his wet game and as frustrating as it is to contend with this thick copper wire beard I've been blessed with, and sometimes I wonder if a little more aggression than the DE89 would help, I am afraid that the Alums gonna make itself felt against a peeled flap of skin held down with an Elastoplast.

Maybe an adjustable is a good step two...
Why don't you try the r41 I am sending around the country? It's arguably one of the most aggressive razors on the market.
Yeah that was my fear. I'm only new to his wet game and as frustrating as it is to contend with this thick copper wire beard I've been blessed with, and sometimes I wonder if a little more aggression than the DE89 would help, I am afraid that the Alums gonna make itself felt against a peeled flap of skin held down with an Elastoplast.

Maybe an adjustable is a good step two...

A lot of shavers particularly ones with heavy beards love open combs. I'd suggest keeping a look out for a Gillette NEW (never know why that's spelled with capitals but that's the convention) as a starting open comb. One of those was doing the rounds a while back. I'm sure Mark will have a box full of them hiding in his man cave somewhere.

So are we saying the Gillette I got is aggressive?

Which model have you got? Not all Gillettes are aggressive. Far from it. It's also varies from person to person. Having said that, I think it's fair to say that the more blade you can see the more aggressive the razor is. I found it hard to even look at the R41 that JugV2 has been lending to people. You can shave with that thing blade-less.
Why don't you try the r41 I am sending around the country? It's arguably one of the most aggressive razors on the market.
Sounds like a plan. Mate do I just jot my name down on that thread - can someone please pass on the link ? If so, I can go straight after @Mark1966
Yeah post in the thread. I think GT has it currently.last person posts it to you then you post it to the next destination. Be sure to post up your results.
I tried one ages ago so am not in this pass around