Surprise present


110% Smiley-Free
Feb 8, 2011
Perth, WA
...from Mensbiz, as a thanks for been a regular.

Something very new - Speick soap in a tub, no size listed, but it's at least 200g. Not the stick, something completely different, this is a white opaque soft soap, a bit like hard jelly. Can't find anything on this, not even on Speick website

Smells nice, road test coming up tomorrow..
Nice, kudos to Mensbiz. Full review thanks Drubs - I will promote it to the front page.
A quick squizz on the webs shows this has been out about a year. Never knew. Shaving ie seem to be the only good supplier carrying it. Some US sites do, but their shipping costs suck and I've never used them.

This is part of the Speick Active range, there's a cream as well. you're going to have to go to shaving ie to see it, the image insert won't work...

I'm loving this, it's quite different to any other speick stuff, except in quality. Some find the regular Speick has a vaguely medicinal smell, but the soap stick has been a staple of mine for a few years. I find this is just as good.

The scent eluded me for a couple of days, it's subtle, but can't be missed. I was reminded of Arlington because it's citrusy, but softer, and what I realised was it's flowery, like lavender. Fruit and flowers. It works.

The consistently is very different. It's a firm soft soap, somewhat like Cella, but firmer still. It loads and lathers very easily, as you'd expect a softer soap to.

In use, it's really really creamy, shaves great, smells nice. For about $13.
A quick squizz on the webs shows this has been out about a year. Never knew. Shaving ie seem to be the only good supplier carrying it. Some US sites do, but their shipping costs suck and I've never used them.

This is part of the Speick Active range, there's a cream as well. you're going to have to go to shaving ie to see it, the image insert won't work...


Sounds great - you mean this stuff on

That's it. every time I tried to post that same image it said 'invalid uRL'

That was what happened to me until I unchecked the 'Retrieve remote file and reference locally'