A bit of guff..

No need to apologize, Drubbing loves getting weirded out. Never used weird as a verb before. It's weird. Talking of weird, how'd you get on with Chaz's method shaving?
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Sorry Drubs not my intention, I was just having a joke.

No need to apologise, if we can't take the piss here, we might as well all go to B&B. You'll need to get used to typing 'gentleman' often, and with as much fake sincerity as you can muster.

Speaking of taking the piss, I should put up a disclaimer with every product review I do. "The author take no responsibility for any subsequent purchase, or raised expectations incurred through reading this article."
Talking of weird, how'd you get on with Chaz's method shaving?

He's quite pretentious.

The music that started off the first clip I watched was amusing; as if he was delivering a sermon.

The multitude of shaving gear needed - Hydrolast - is staggering. Clearly as I am only using a facewash, shaving soap and Nivea AS, I am not shaving properly.

I mean, there may be something to this slag, activation, paste, oil process. But I doubt it.

I did notice that the only brush that will work the best is the one that his shop sells.

I call shenanigans, gentlemen.
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