Amateur radio


Foolish Possums are not Grand Poobahs
2018 Sabbatical
2019 Charity Auction Winner
2020 Charity Auction Winner
May 10, 2017
Found out my local radio club was running a weekend course to support people wanting to get their foundation license.

I applied for a weekend leave pass with the wife (had to take 2 days off work and to drive to Sydney to buy a puppy to win her over) and i took my course did my test and passed :)

So I immediately applied for a callsign with ACMA and have been issued VK1LOL (too good right?!) and ordered myself a hand held UHF/VHF transceiver.

My transceiver arrived today and I was able to hit the local repeater and make my first contact. I can see this becoming another costly hobby..
What breed?

I wonder if dogs talk to each other in the park?
"What breed is your owner?"
"Dunno, I think he's a mongrel"
We have French bulldogs, stubborn little buggers but great temperaments.

As for dog park, I often wonder what happens inside their odd shaped heads
We have French bulldogs, stubborn little buggers but great temperaments.

As for dog park, I often wonder what happens inside their odd shaped heads
French bulldogs are great little characters. Lots of fun, and small enough that they don't take up the whole house. We have terriers (Cairn and Australian), a bit scruffier, but still a delight. Much nicer than baldbabies.
French bulldogs are great little characters. Lots of fun, and small enough that they don't take up the whole house. We have terriers (Cairn and Australian), a bit scruffier, but still a delight. Much nicer than baldbabies.
Terriers are great- we ended up with frenchies because a local was rehoming one so (our brown girl, Frankie) and my wife LOVES dogs so when she broke me to add another I took some time off work and drove to Sydney to pick up the pup (Barney).


We used to be all about Staffies but frenchies seem to just work now that we have the kids
Terriers are great- we ended up with frenchies because a local was rehoming one so (our brown girl, Frankie) and my wife LOVES dogs so when she broke me to add another I took some time off work and drove to Sydney to pick up the pup (Barney).


We used to be all about Staffies but frenchies seem to just work now that we have the kids
Great photo, i have always had Rottweilers (2) when I retired 5-6 years ago I said I was getting another having lost the 2nd 18 mths earlier. Wife said never having a “malting” dog again, so Googled “non malting dogs” and have a 4 year old Airedale Terrier who is just about out of “puppy stage” 😂
We lost our much beloved Kelpie "Layla" several months ago at 15 years old and I swore blind to not have another dog. I went away on a weekend fishing trip and returned to find a 6-month old pup in the house. I am positive it's 90% dingo and it hates me. It's gone for me six (6) times and drawn blood. However, SWMBO will not hear a single word said against it!
I detest the creature and have nothing to do with it; neither feed, exercise nor interact with it. If you have a good well-behaved dog, enjoy the companionship!
We lost our much beloved Kelpie "Layla" several months ago at 15 years old and I swore blind to not have another dog. I went away on a weekend fishing trip and returned to find a 6-month old pup in the house. I am positive it's 90% dingo and it hates me. It's gone for me six (6) times and drawn blood. However, SWMBO will not hear a single word said against it!
I detest the creature and have nothing to do with it; neither feed, exercise nor interact with it. If you have a good well-behaved dog, enjoy the companionship!
Honestly I’m right there with you-
In the past 15 years we had 4 dogs and I buried all of them in the past few years. I’m quite happy not having dogs but my wife and kids love them so I’m outnumbered… does give me an excuse to get the radio out and go for a walk through the back hills though.
Great photo, i have always had Rottweilers (2) when I retired 5-6 years ago I said I was getting another having lost the 2nd 18 mths earlier. Wife said never having a “malting” dog again, so Googled “non malting dogs” and have a 4 year old Airedale Terrier who is just about out of “puppy stage” 😂
Those Airedales look awesome! Not a common breed at all.
Honestly I’m right there with you-
In the past 15 years we had 4 dogs and I buried all of them in the past few years. I’m quite happy not having dogs but my wife and kids love them so I’m outnumbered… does give me an excuse to get the radio out and go for a walk through the back hills though.
We've lost two dogs to snakes in the last few years. :cry: Once (nearly) me too, but losing the dogs was worse. I hope the pair we have at the moment are our last; as I approach anno domini, I really don't want to leave orphaned pets behind. I won't be surprised if I'm outvoted though. 1 female vote >> 1 male vote. I'm more or less resigned to that. Every now and then I put my foot down just to make a point, but I have to choose my hill to die on. :rolleyes: