Favourite sets on budget


Nov 30, 2023
I am wandering what would be your favourite set when you are on budget.
I am sure not everyone can/want to spend a fortune on shaving. Especially beginners would like to start low just to see if this hobby is for them.

For me the most amazing is a fact that I can have great experience with cheap stuff.

I my case it would be:
1. SR Gold Dollar - PIF-ed and honed by #rbscebu (thank you Richard) - my daily workhorse. Basic finish but keeps an edge very well,
2. Brush - Omega professional - cheap boar brush but great quality. I think cheap synthetic would be even better to start.
3. Soap. For summer I like Prorasso White and Arko. I really like Prorasso scent but you can not beat Arko performance for that price!
Winter I prefer Cella Red. Maybe not the cheapest is AU but in Europe you can buy it for peanuts.
One more great idea - Palmolive Cream. Under $3 for 60g tube.
4. Aftershave. I can use just cold water. If not there are nice, inexpensive options:
- Nivea balm - regularly 50% off. Can’t go wrong for $6.
- Wahl Bay Rum - can be use by itself or mixed with witch hazel ( again #rbscebu idea)
5. For SR also a belt. Frank Shaving belt for less then $50 is very good for me.

What are your favourite inexpensive products?
I mostly don't do cheap anymore, but I do have a Yaqi Rainbow Pony that I use for travel, and the Stirling soaps deserve an honourable mention, since those green tubs are chock-full and great value for money. (My pick is still the Bergamot Lavender.)
I have found that many here on P&C (and other wet-shaving forums) are not comfortable doing their shaving on the cheap. That is their choice and that I do not begrudge them. I have razors (about 40), brushes (7), soaps (15) and strops (8) to freely choose from. Their price ranges (new including shipping AU$) are:

Razors - $280 to $10​
Brushes - $145 to $6​
Soaps - $32 to $3​
Strops - $160 to $20​
For my favourites when not on a budget from my modest collection, it would be:

Gold Dollar W59 straight razor at about $45 (I like the challenge of the sharp pointy toe)​
No-brand Chinese guaranteed pure best badges synthetic brush about $6 (I just prefer the feel of it when face lathering)​
Tabac (tallow) shave stick about $13 (for scent and performance)​
Titan 62mm wide leather strop about $20​
Total = $84​

My favourites when on a budget from my modest collection, would be:
Titan ACRM-2 T.H.60 straight razor about $20 (preferred as I like timber scales) or Gold Dollar 66 about $10 (with plastic scales)​
No-brand Chinese guaranteed pure best badges synthetic brush about $6 (I just prefer the feel of it when face lathering)​
Palmolive shave cream about $3​
Titan 62mm wide leather strop about $20​
Total = $49 (or $39)​
Of course, when buying new (and most used) straight razors, you will need to get it properly honed to be really shave ready. This can cost you about $60 to $70 including shipping. Then there is edge refreshing about every 3 to 6 months at about $40 to $50 including shipping. You could do your own honing (if you have the skills) and gear for that would cost you about $30 (lapping films) up to many hundreds of dollars (fancy whetstones).
I forgot about my aftershave. I only have one now because I like it so much. I buy a lire of Wahl bay rum and mix it with 240ml of Dickinson's witch hazel. Total cost including shipping is about $50 and that lasts me a couple of years with daily use.
That is exactly the recipe I copied from you and I am happy with the results. I have bought the Wahl on special for $25. Adding some soap the postage was free. So 1l of aftershave under $30👍🏻
That is exactly the recipe I copied from you and I am happy with the results. I have bought the Wahl on special for $25. Adding some soap the postage was free. So 1l of aftershave under $30👍🏻
I give a small bottle of this aftershave mix to some of my SR shaving students. Many really like it and stay with it. Others prefer to smell like a pox doctor's clerk all day so switch to other aftershaves.
I mostly don't do cheap anymore, but I do have a Yaqi Rainbow Pony that I use for travel, and the Stirling soaps deserve an honourable mention, since those green tubs are chock-full and great value for money. (My pick is still the Bergamot Lavender.)
I have some better stuff and use it as well.
This tread is for ppl who want to save, or just start.
Also there is a chance we can find some great stuff we did not know just because we never check the cheap products😀
That is exactly the recipe I copied from you and I am happy with the results. I have bought the Wahl on special for $25. Adding some soap the postage was free. So 1l of aftershave under $30👍🏻
I use very similar, 1L Wahl Bay Rum, give 250ml to my son, then add @SpeedyPC recipe to the 1L bottle, shake and use. I often refresh my face in the arvo's with this also, very nice combo, IMHO (y) Apart from a TOBS Bay Rum (present) this is the ONLY Aftershave Splash I use!!
I use very similar, 1L Wahl Bay Rum, give 250ml to my son, then add @SpeedyPC recipe to the 1L bottle, shake and use. I often refresh my face in the arvo's with this also, very nice combo, IMHO (y) Apart from a TOBS Bay Rum (present) this is the ONLY Aftershave Splash I use!!
I will try that as well.
I have a bit different tactic. I mix in 100ml glass bottle which fit to my shaving drawer. The rest is waiting safe in the storage.
Next time I will mix with @SpeedyPC recipe to try👍🏻