Wholly Kaw - Washington's Blend (SR shaving)


Sep 10, 2020
Atherton Tablelands, Queensland, Australia
Note: I make no comment on the scent as I believe that that is a personal preference.

Wholly Kaw are a specialist shaving soap manufacturer based in New Jersey, USA.Their pucks sell for about AU$30 to AU$60 plus shipping (2024). A few months ago a friend gave me a slightly used puck of their Washington's Blend (tallow) shaving soap (AU$60). This soap is also available in vegan format for those who are so inclined.


Soon after I received this soap, I gave it a go but was not overly impressed with its performance. This last week I decided to give it another go, this time with my Proraso (Omega) boar brush that has the most backbone of all my brushes. To make sure that I got everything right, I followed the manufacturer's instructions to the letter and face lathered.

Step 1: Wet your shaving brush thoroughly.​
Step 2: Swirl the brush around in the jar of shaving soap or cream for 30 seconds, or until a thick, creamy paste forms on the brush​
Step 3: To continue building the lather, add dribbles of water and swirl the brush on your face or in a lathering bowl. Apply the lather to the face.​

I made my lather rather wet and applied it relatively thinly, both as is best for SR shaving. SR shavers are mainly interested is slickness and are not generally interested in "cushion" as the only metal close to their skin is the edge of the blade.

My shave with this soap was most acceptable. The soap provided good slickness (but not as good as the ARKO stick soap). The only drawback that I found with this soap is that it tends to dry out on the face a little faster than my other soaps. This was no great problem as I always had plenty of later left on my brush so I just applied a little more when needed.

in conclusion, this soap is suitable for SR shaving, not the best but quite acceptable. Would I buy it? No, not because of its performance but because I believe there are are better SR shaving soaps available at a must better price point. Besides, the puck I now have will probably last me for the rest of my life.
Note: I make no comment on the scent as I believe that that is a personal preference.

Wholly Kaw are a specialist shaving soap manufacturer based in New Jersey, USA.Their pucks sell for about AU$30 to AU$60 plus shipping (2024). A few months ago a friend gave me a slightly used puck of their Washington's Blend (tallow) shaving soap (AU$60). This soap is also available in vegan format for those who are so inclined.


Soon after I received this soap, I gave it a go but was not overly impressed with its performance. This last week I decided to give it another go, this time with my Proraso (Omega) boar brush that has the most backbone of all my brushes. To make sure that I got everything right, I followed the manufacturer's instructions to the letter and face lathered.

Step 1: Wet your shaving brush thoroughly.​
Step 2: Swirl the brush around in the jar of shaving soap or cream for 30 seconds, or until a thick, creamy paste forms on the brush​
Step 3: To continue building the lather, add dribbles of water and swirl the brush on your face or in a lathering bowl. Apply the lather to the face.​

I made my lather rather wet and applied it relatively thinly, both as is best for SR shaving. SR shavers are mainly interested is slickness and are not generally interested in "cushion" as the only metal close to their skin is the edge of the blade.

My shave with this soap was most acceptable. The soap provided good slickness (but not as good as the ARKO stick soap). The only drawback that I found with this soap is that it tends to dry out on the face a little faster than my other soaps. This was no great problem as I always had plenty of later left on my brush so I just applied a little more when needed.

in conclusion, this soap is suitable for SR shaving, not the best but quite acceptable. Would I buy it? No, not because of its performance but because I believe there are are better SR shaving soaps available at a must better price point. Besides, the puck I now have will probably last me for the rest of my life.

Great review of soap,