Lather bowls and scuttles

Looking at the lathering on the hand versus the time to lather in a scuttle:
scuttle: less messy, less time, hot lather, lots of lather and the scuttle can also be rinsed under the tap like the hand..... or in the dish washer
Maybe have a look at:

My next purchase will either be a bowl or scuttle the later bringing back memories of my dad and granddad as a kid and the idea of a hot lather does sound appealing
Does anybody use these items? And if so are,there any you would recommend,the only scuttle I have seen in Australia is HG Scuttle any help would be appreciated

Thanks for the recomm: into 5 years now of making scuttles of personal choices and designs. Loving the long hot lather!

I'm in my 5th year of producing scuttles. All types and enjoy the long hot lather!

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