Well, I don't think we are there, not by a long shot. We do have some decent savings, worth to the order of about one year of my wages. However, that does tend to shrink. We own two properties, we got very lucky when living in Madrid, we owned a flat by the time we were 24, that's, more or less, six years before the average age at which adults, in Spain, can emancipate.
We have been renting it out for the last nine years, and now we are in the process of taking legal action to evict our current -and last- tennants. I made a huge error in judgement a few years ago, trying to do the decent thing for people with far less means than us. Boy, did that backfire.
Regardless, law is on our side; time, between us, I reckon not so much. I am getting rather impatient to sell that flat, make some profit on it or, at least, stop paying that mortgage.
I need to know I can use that money in case things really go South for me, healthwise (operations, experimental treatments, you name it, I am firmly on my way to clinical trials but those, so far, would be covered by our public health system). If I don't stand a chance (which is a situation that seems increasingly possible), then I need to know I can leave my two ladies pretty much set, with no financial worries, before checking out.
It's also good to know they will inherit some more stuff on my behalf.
Right now, however, I tend not to make long-term plans. Every day is a blessing and, while worried, I plan on enjoying the ride.
Right now, I have been on medical leave since February. I do miss my job, I went two weeks ago to my orchestra's season opener, and it was a tough evening for me. I know, however, that work will never be the most important thing in my life. I saw my mom destroying both her marital life and the relationship with her family (by this I mean me, my brother is very much there for her), just because she chose to put work above everything else. She's trying her best to recover that but, a, she doesn't really have the tools for that and b, she doesn't really realise she was wrong choosing work over family.