G'day from Gippsland


Jun 15, 2015
Rediscovered wetshaving a couple of years ago and can't believe I gave it up for cartridges a few decades ago. Don't know what I was thinking.
Anyway I rotate though about 10 razors but my go to is the Muhle 2011 R41 with a Weber ss classic handle.
Lots of soaps, brushes and blades to choose from.
Good to find an ANZ shave forum. Don't know how I missed this for so long.
Welcome mate.

Muhle 2011 r41 eh? Your face must be tough as leather by now!

Hope you like it here. Plenty of likeminded people to advise you on where next to spend your money :)
Go to is the muhle? Wow. Ditto MrT. Very thin leather by now.

An R41 2011 fan - what a M-A-N !!!!!

Don't let the softies get their claws into you - keep going I say :)

Favourites in the soaps and brushes?

Oh, welcome BTW
Hello and welcome. By the sounds of it you've got enough gear. Doesn't make you popular as people here are ruthlessly dangling enabling bait at the poor sods that sign up.
Hello and welcome. By the sounds of it you've got enough gear. Doesn't make you popular as people here are ruthlessly dangling enabling bait at the poor sods that sign up.
C'mon @Pjotr you know you are not a real shaver unless you are excitedly chasing after the newest and bestest bespoke shaving item. A little like watching kids at a lolly scramble :)
An R41 2011 fan - what a M-A-N !!!!!

Don't let the softies get their claws into you - keep going I say :)

Favourites in the soaps and brushes?

Oh, welcome BTW

Hi Mark,

No single favourite in soaps, just finished some Stirling, like Tabac, new Cade, Razorock XX and can even get a decent lather with C&E especially the old potassium formula. Rotating through about a dozen at the moment. If I really had to stick with just one it would probably be Tabac.

My tastes in brushes is simple. I prefer the big Omega boar brushes like the Pro 98, 102 and 106. I have a range of synthetic, horse hair and the full variety of badger (except Manchurian High Mountain) including ones I've assembled from knots with handles from Whipped Dog or Jerusalem Olivewood.

Given that the R41 has rendered my face to leather (just kidding) a soft brush doesn't seem to suit me. I only use the silvertips for creams which I rarely use anyway and the finest badger for croaps like Cella.

I put most of my pucks into an apothecary mug or an enamelled mug from the camping store so I need something with a good loft and a longer handle.

I see you're in Canberra . Did I buy an Aristocrat from you awhile back?
Hi Mark,

No single favourite in soaps, just finished some Stirling, like Tabac, new Cade, Razorock XX and can even get a decent lather with C&E especially the old potassium formula. Rotating through about a dozen at the moment. If I really had to stick with just one it would probably be Tabac.

Tabac is a classic - and underrated! Seriously get your hands on some of the B&M Latha in this thread - bargain for a great soap!

My tastes in brushes is simple. I prefer the big Omega boar brushes like the Pro 98, 102 and 106. I have a range of synthetic, horse hair and the full variety of badger (except Manchurian High Mountain) including ones I've assembled from knots with handles from Whipped Dog or Jerusalem Olivewood.

Given that the R41 has rendered my face to leather (just kidding) a soft brush doesn't seem to suit me. I only use the silvertips for creams which I rarely use anyway and the finest badger for croaps like Cella.

Impressive! Well done you making your own.

I see you're in Canberra . Did I buy an Aristocrat from you awhile back?

Possibly .... I've sold a few over the years. Same user name most places around and have a bit of a collection. Sorry if i can't recall :(
Hey mate- great to have you here. With a regular razor being the formidable R41-'11 I think you sound like you're ready for the next challenge... You need a straight!
I've used a Sam Seong Kamisori style shavette and can't improve on the R41 shave but I am in the process of reseaching straights before I jump in.
If you want a cheap way to jump in, @Mark sells freshly honed Gold Dollar razors for $35 each. I guarantee that they shave well and will certainly help get you into str8s.
He can recommend a reasonable strop as well for around $35 delivered.

Shavettes are nothing like a str8.
Thanks, I was looking at the Gold Dollars trying to determine which one to get or go for a Wapi.
I actually think I have a vintage German srt8 lying around somewhere from my old student days which was used for making thin sections for microscopy. I know where all the strops and stones are and I was pretty good at honing. I also have a nice knife collection so I am well versed in sharpening even though I find it a bit of a chore these days.
Now if only I can find that razor.
Mark might want to chime in here. I've checked, yes it was you I purchased the Aristocrat from (B&B site). How does one know what you have on offer such as the Gold Dollar filobblic mentioned?
Mark might want to chime in here. I've checked, yes it was you I purchased the Aristocrat from (B&B site). How does one know what you have on offer such as the Gold Dollar filobblic mentioned?

Different Mark I'm afraid.

I'm Mark1966 here and most places and have a few DEs but @Mark (great name but very confusing) is the SR8 expert. By using the '@' in front of his member name it gives him an alert about this post so he should come looking ...