G'day from Gippsland

By using the '@' in front of his member name it gives him an alert about this post
Indeed the almighty "@" pulled me in here. Welcome to the group @otblue, and welcome to the world of straights too (perhaps I'm speaking too soon).

I was looking at the Gold Dollars trying to determine which one to get
GD's practically all have the same blade, just different scales. When you get the the GD800 it's stainless steel which I'm not a fan of tbh. Feel free to shoot me a message at any time for str8 advice (no pun intended). Also check out some of the threads I've made on razor care, maintenance and stropping etc in the straight razor section, every piece there is worth knowing when getting into straights but I can assure you it's not aeronautical engineering. Have fun :)
No, but it is rocket science @Mark ;)
Oops, was just playing with the Joseph Rogers and realised it's a microtome profile. It was being used for that purpose so I shouldn't have been surprised but it was a looong time ago.
I'll start a new thread about it soon as I gather some people do shave with them so I'll get some advice.