Hi from Perth

Started in 1903 with the 'Double Ring' - a relatively aggressive OC - partly because the blades were thicker then and the angle changes with the modern blade.

Hey - Happy shaving :)
Any idea where I can get a gilette razor from someone on here?
Or post a WTB (Want to Buy) thread with the following:
- what you want to buy as (clear & descriptive as possible). For example: I want to buy a Gillette adjustable razor.
- the approximate price you want to spend
- what condition you want (user/excellent/mint)

Hello & Welcome BTW... [emoji4]
It is a FACT!!! [It is on the Internet thingy so it must be true ;)]

Fantastic - BTW - I don't really claim it as my theory as much a theory I support :)

It is a fact. For many.

I found feathers unusable in my Merkur 34C. They're brilliant in my 20C, however this razor likes anything I put in it. Many other Merkurs I've tried have been fussy about what work in them, for me.

OP has only tried 3 blades and apparently one razor. I don't think a straight is necessary the answer he's looking for.

I don't get the comment about blunt DEs and ingrowns. Don't use blunt blades...