LOAN-OUT No. 1 Shave-ready Straight Razor (AU only)

Sunday was the first use of the loan SR.

I have about 20 SRs in my collection which haven't seen much use for a while as I have been using an artist club shavette or safety razors.
I usually find SRs take some extra effort under the chin where the hair takes a 'last stand' approach. Generally testing technique and the edge.

Prep was shower, face splash and a wet lather of Seaforth.

The shave:
The first couple of strokes on two days growth were a little hard. This was due to being use to the shavette. The feedback from an SR is much more pronounced, like slowly undoing velcro. Once I was about half way into the 1st pass I had settled in to the shave and things felt more natural.

The hair under my chin did offer up some challenge to the SR, but I would say this SR was slightly better than my own edges.
This was the knowledge I was looking for - my edges are decent, but do have room for improvement 🙂
The fools pass was good and I had a very nice shave with only a couple of weepers which were gone by the end.

The Malizia aftershave had minimal burn confirming thing went well. Although I did get a little teary due to all the menthol crystals I have added to it.
