More scam email


Simply boring.
Feb 8, 2011
This one's a cracker....found it in my junk folder this morning and had to share it with you all.

"Hello my Dearest

I wish to let you know that my chosen you in this transaction is not carnal but through the direction of God. I was praying and fasting for a reliable and honest partner when you were spiritually introduced to me.

I am Miss maria paz martine,20 years old and the only daughter of my late parents Mr.and Mrs.Martine REMIGUS. My father was a highly reputable busnness magnet-(a cocoa merchant)who operated in the capital of Ivory coast during his days.

It is sad to say that he passed away mysteriously in France during one of his business trips abroad year 12th Febuary 2010.Though his sudden death was linked or rather suspected to have been masterminded by an uncle of his who travelled with him at that time.But God knows the truth! My mother died when I was just 4 years old,and since then my father took me so special.

Before his death on Febuary 12 2010 he called the secretary who accompanied him t o the hospital and told him that he has the sum of (USD$12.500,000) left in a security company in a mettalic trunk box,but the security company didn't know the content because it was registered as family valuables for security reasons.

He further told him that he deposited the money in my name,and finally issued a written instruction to his lawyer whom he said is in possession of all the necessary but legal documents to this fund and the security company.

I am just 20 years old and a university undergraduate and really don't know what to do.Now I want an account overseas where I can transfer this funds. This is because I have suffered a lot of set backs as a result of incessant political crisis here in Ivory coast.The death of my father actually broughtsorrow to my life.

Please,I am in a sincere desire of your humble assistance in this regards.Your suggestions and ideas will be highly regarded.
Now permit me to ask these few questio n s:- 1. Can you honestly help me as your daughter?
2. Can I completely trust you?
3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? contact me here Please,Consider this and get back to me as soon as possible.
Thank you so much.
My sincere regards,
Miss maria paz martine"
Scam? Scam? What scam?

She is on Facebook, LinkedIn and you can see lots of pics of her here

So Jugs, I'll put those questions to you again?

1. Can you honestly help her as your daughter?

2. Can she completely trust you?

3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?

No ducking and diving - answer the questions! :laugh:
heh none.

This is coming to my work email address, which I don't use for anything other than work related sites.
Too much time on your hands Mark....

heh none.

This is coming to my work email address, which I don't use for anything other than work related sites.

Distractions, distractions, distractions.

Stop it now Jugs, I'll put those questions to you again shall I?

1. Can you honestly help her as your daughter?

2. Can she completely trust you?

3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?

Come on now, no ducking and diving - answer the questions!
Distractions, distractions, distractions.

Stop it now Jugs, I'll put those questions to you again shall I?

1. Can you honestly help her as your daughter?

2. Can she completely trust you?

3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account?

Come on now, no ducking and diving - answer the questions!

1. Can you honestly help her as your daughter? Not as my daughter.

2. Can she completely trust you? Absolutely not.

3. What percentage of the total amount in question will be good for you after the money is in your account? 100%.
So we are good to go in sending her a reply then ....
Well, I'm not sending her a reply from any of my addresses but if anyone of you want to carry it on please do so.
What part of Ivory Coast and Money don't you understand???
It's like Grandson, Mexico, Bail!
Well, I'm not sending her a reply from any of my addresses but if anyone of you want to carry it on please do so.

Hmmm, if we set up an account and posted all the replies here, I wonder what fun we could have!
Aren't there all kinds of crazy overseas ebay's you should be trawling for razors? You're wasting valuable collecting time :p

It is getting a little boring now to be honest.

Most of the stuff I already have.

The stuff I don't have is a) few and far between and b) hideously expensive.

So I get little joy in collecting nowadays (all sympathy accepted) :unsure:
It is getting a little boring now to be honest.

Most of the stuff I already have.

The stuff I don't have is a) few and far between and b) hideously expensive.

So I get little joy in collecting nowadays (all sympathy accepted) :unsure:

You have my full sympathies.....

There are brands other than gillette you know :whistle:
It is getting a little boring now to be honest.


Only one cure for that Mark (apart from finding a new obsession) you must clean out and start again. It behoves me to make the noble sacrifice and offer to take your current collection off your hands (I know I know how can someone you have never met be so generous, but it is just in my nature). Once you have cleaned out your stash, of course keep one to shave with (make it a cheap one) you can start all over.
I will even be willing to send photos of their new home so you can have a target to aim at.

Oh yes - no thanks are needed - always happy to help a fellow shaver. :)
Rich beyond my wildest dreams...

Late Mr. Rolf Hoffman bequeathed Twelve Million & Thirty Thousand Dollars, to you in his will. More info,contact its attorney(Clifford Chance Esq.) E-mail:

$12,030,000 - but looks like Mr Hoffman might have had gender assignment issues... and knowing my luck they'll be Zim $.