Morning or Evening shave?

Mostly mornings, although if I have a special evening event sometimes I will shave prior to that.
I prefer mornings but am finding hard to find the time (yet I can wake at 5am to watch EPL :)). Might have to try evenings.
Evening shaver, light growth so I can get away with it & I don't have time in the morning, & just I case I f&$k up I got 12hrs to stop bleeding! Wouldn't mind do the morning shave thing... Maybe one day.
Hey guys. Suggest that it doesn't really matter so long as you've got the time to be patient. If you're a midday 5 o'clock shadow bloke then shave mornings. Boone should shave within half hour of waking up though. Extra fluid in the skin after waking up makes it puffy and harder to shave if you don't have a choice, then caffeine is the solution. If you have to shave early start with a cup of coffee. This quickly pulls the liquid out of the skin so you can shave your heart out without damaging yourself
So those shaving in the morning should seek a caffeinated soap ?
Now there's a thought... caffeinated soap.
Think I'd rather drink a coffee than buy and pay for caffeinated soap... though the idea is sound!
I think it's an internal thing. Same reason body builders drink lots of caffeine on the morning of a comp and lots of sodium the night before... takes the moisture out of the skin fast.
Guess you could always try pouring a bottle of coke over your head in the morning and see what happens!
I shave in the mornings, except I don't shave on a Friday, I work on Saturdays and shave Saturday night after a nice hot long shower.
Always in the mornings, always every other day. I like shaving but it's still something you've gotta get out of the way before the day starts.
I *WAS* a morning shaver a while back when I was using Multi-Cart razors, however, since switching to "wet shaving" years back, I switched to night time shave. It's like my personal "Zen" time after the kids are in bed and just before I sit down for the night.... That way I can take my time and enjoy the shave without the dread of running late for work!
I *WAS* a morning shaver a while back when I was using Multi-Cart razors, however, since switching to "wet shaving" years back, I switched to night time shave. It's like my personal "Zen" time after the kids are in bed and just before I sit down for the night.... That way I can take my time and enjoy the shave without the dread of running late for work!
Must be tough when the boss is watching you shave ;P
@borked I think she's still trying to work out what takes me so damn long in there! Truth be known I sit around sniffing soaps until I find one I like. Then of course it's off to find a balm, AS and Razor. Lol.
...which roughly translates into product research ;)
Here I was thinking I was the only one who liked to shave at night. I'm not a morning person in general so I'm definitely not getting up earlier than I have to just to shave. I mostly shave at night just before I go to bed but sometimes on the weekends I'll shave in the afternoon because my 2 year old daughter really likes watching me use the brush and soap.
Morning shaves here, wake at 3 am and have a nice leisurely shave while everyone else is asleep. That is followed by catching up with the shave forums before popping into work at 5.
I often set aside time in the evening to hone up a new to me, blade for the next mornings shave.