October 2014 Acquisitions thread

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Yeah fair enough. Hope you get them, as they do not often come up 'cheaply' at all. Seems like the cheapest way to go is to pick them up in Europe. Such a shame because @Drubbing did like them so much!

I will probably send out a few extras to those not taking part in the main Vintage Blade Bonanza. I have tried the English-packaged blades and they are $%@*ing amazing.

Also those 'other' items in the greenzone. Not long for precious.
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I haven't floated away yet, but Ferries are replacing Trains at Bardwell Park. And I am not kidding, check this out:


There's over a metre of water there :eek:

Anyway, just staying up to gloat - I have these on the way, with @Mark1966 sharing some!


Oh, and that's all the seller had, so once again I have cleared the worldwide supply of yet another blade :p

Of course, these will be in the Vintage Blade Bonanza mailout. Pretty sure that there will be still yet a few unspoken for to purchase at cost + postage + site donation.
WOOT WOOT, another lifetime of vintage blades!!!

Well done @Monsta_AU

These are great blades all.

(photos from SYD are crazy!)
@Monsta_AU that listing was for me, yet was waiting to hear back from him with a combined postage price for them and the wisanets abd polsilvers.
At least one of us snapped them up though :)
@Monsta_AU that listing was for me, yet was waiting to hear back from him with a combined postage price for them and the wisanets abd polsilvers.
I had asked about why he had taken Australia off the postage list, and that I wanted to buy the big listing he had. Obviously something got lost in translation as he had sent me a Paypal invoice on the 9th for 550 blades prior to that listing going up. I asked him to throw it up on eBay for Buyer Protection reasons.

Sorry mate, I thought I was dealing with him to get the lot. I wouldn't be too concerned as there will be some left over. Mark and myself are going for about 200 each, the remaining ~150ish will be available at cost + post + site donation. So you are in on that if you want it.

I'd prefer to keep them in 'useful' size lots too, yet get them into the hands of as many people as possible. I'd probably get you a double-share of the split afterwards.
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Ah RM you do help one put things in perspective. I was feeling a tad greedy having bought a shedload of gear within the past few weeks, but in one fell swoop you go above and beyond that many, many times. I now do not feel anywhere so bad about the 10 razors, 5 brushes and lonely single soap I've greedily snaffled in the past month alone! Seriously.

Oh and my beard is going well too... o_O

Nice haul, looks like you got a very good deal. Not familiar with the blades but that YOU were so passionate about them says all that one needs to know. Congrats on a very smart buy.
Ahhhh so you guys devised a a cunning plan!

Yeah, we have been talking about these blades since June I reckon. We finally both got some, and now after using them we have bought them up.

I now do not feel anywhere so bad about the 10 razors, 5 brushes and lonely single soap I've greedily snaffled in the past month alone! Seriously.
10 Razors?? 5 Brushes??

Blades are consumables, but you are talking hardware - and you have a beard happening.

Pot. Kettle. Black.
10 Razors?? 5 Brushes?? Blades are consumables, but you are talking hardware - and you have a beard happening.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Oh I don't for a second cast any dispersions on your desire to corner humanities' reserves of vintage blades - although IIRC you told me many moons ago that you kept your vintage blade stash under your bed? If thats still the case I can picture you needing a small step-ladder and dozing off with the ceiling almost touching your nose!

In my defence one of the brushes is for another P&C member, another was bought as trade fodder. 5 of the razors were a pretty cheap lot buy that was VERY tarnished/dirty. The only expensive brush was bought with store credit that was via a gift to us from a friend and the the other items were pretty low end. I'll detail all when I get them all looking serviceable.

The beard....well I've just got to give it another few months atleast as it was such a major pITA to grow to this point and it's my virgin beard effort. I mean it works really well for me - but I do find it a major pain to have so much great gear and my daily shave being reduced to 5cm of neck and a quick tidy up of the cheeklines. A tad frustrating but c'est la vie,

Rest assured as I gave out of my house of glass I'll be lobbing no stones your way.
Well look at that - the big kahuna liked the pic so much he's gone and made it his new avatar! Someone likes being an apex predator.....myself I'm happy to stay at Krill level. ;-)

hahaha! That is awesome. Let's see if @borked plays the game, he doesn't even need to replace his avatar!
Well look at that - the big kahuna liked the pic so much he's gone and made it his new avatar! Someone likes being an apex predator.....myself I'm happy to stay at Krill level. ;-)

You are only happy to stay at Krill level because apex predators don't eat Krill!
Has anyone used Razorock Zi Peppino?

I have some of that balm waiting for me when i get back to sydney. The "green tobacco" scent doesn't actually inform me of much.
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