Stirling Soaps

I don't know what all the fuss is about. Maybe we are spoilt with soft water and beautiful warm weather in the Top End. Stirling soaps just work for me.
Wet face, straight out the shower, a quick soak of the brush, a couple of swirls in the puck and massage it into the face until soft and slick. May require a bit more water but just a swipe around the bowl does it.
I really enjoy the process of face lathering and massaging at the same time, clears the throat and drains the sinuses.
Stirling are the slickest and least irritating soap I have in the Den.
I don't know what all the fuss is about. Maybe we are spoilt with soft water and beautiful warm weather in the Top End. Stirling soaps just work for me.
Wet face, straight out the shower, a quick soak of the brush, a couple of swirls in the puck and massage it into the face until soft and slick. May require a bit more water but just a swipe around the bowl does it.
I really enjoy the process of face lathering and massaging at the same time, clears the throat and drains the sinuses.
Stirling are the slickest and least irritating soap I have in the Den.

This stuff is made in Texas where water is hard still not sure if that was my problem..

From what I picked from the vid I fo not think I loaded my brush enough. I start with a wet brush usually and according to that vid when u do that u pick up more clay than soap at start which gives the appearance of slickness and the illusion of having more soap than u have

My sterling lathes started ok (not great) but dissipated a lot by the second and even more so by third pass
Most lather issues are due not loading enough...always has been always will be ;)
Oh shit it is too! I assumed it was Spencer but I should have opened the video.
No wonder you’ve been too busy playing with your food... Dog!
