I picked up 5 and one in the ceramic dish earlier this morning. I was meant to reply here and inform everyone then. I emailed them in the wee hours of the morning and got the reply first thing when I woke up.
I wasn't intending on making any purchases but had to considering I always intended to buy more of this soap but had so much going on and wanted to be careful with my money. I also vaguely remember it to be out of stock in many places a few months or more ago.
I always enjoy soaps that aren't overly scented because I can use them at whatever time without disturbing people or risk it being offensive.
I have read that some people say the new one is fine but I am not convinced. There always seems to be a sacrifice of residual slickness or slickness longevity if you will. Whenever soaps go vegan from tallow they always seem to be of a lesser quality whilst oddly enough the ones that start out as vegan seem to fair much better.
Btw OzBarber are sold out of the refill pucks now. :/