Weird shaving rituals


doesn't care for Euro Palmolive
Group Buy Associate
2015 Sabbatical
Aug 9, 2012
A lot of people have a ritual when they shave, and I'm no different. I wondered if anyone has any particularly weird tendencies they'd like to share.

I like to listen to a record when I shave, and to facilitate this, I moved some old hi-fi including a record player into the room next door. Now I can terrify my family with rock n roll while I enjoy a leisurely shave, and I take full advantage of this. Tonight's choice? The Very Best of the Steve Miller Band. Most people seem to prefer the silence or some easy listening, but not me. I just finished Back in Black, but I'm down with the old school jam bands and the angry protesting of my house mates. It makes for a particularly cathartic experience.

Slightly weirder is the shaving robe, a light silk job that came back from Vietnam with me. It preserves my modesty during my short journey from the shower to my bathroom.

Does anyone else go off the beaten track while they shave, or am I a terrible weirdo?
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A lot of people have a ritual when they shave, and I'm no different. I wondered if anyone has any particularly weird tendencies they'd like to share.

I like to listen to a record when I shave, and to facilitate this, I moved some old hi-fi including a record player into the room next door. Now I can terrify my family with rock n roll while I enjoy a leisurely shave, and I take full advantage of this. Tonight's choice? The Very Best of the Steve Miller Band. Most people seem to prefer the silence or some easy listening, but not me. I just finished Back in Black, but I'm down with the old school jam bands and the angry protesting of my house mates. It makes for a particularly cathartic experience.

Slightly weirder is the shaving robe, a light silk job that came back from Vietnam with me. It preserves my modesty during my short journey from the shower to my bathroom.

Does anyone else go off the beaten track while they shave, or am I a terrible weirdo?

I vote the latter :)
I do consider it my time, 10 minutes in the bathroom doing something that is just for me. I don't ask for much in life.
Does hanging out on shaving forums count? I think so.

Don't shave to music, but I am working on my Back in Back riff on my Strat. Now, Acca may be simple music, but Angus and Mal have nimble fingers. It's not easy to play what they do over and over again, at speed, in perfect time.

If you're into the Jam bands, and a shave takes you 15 minutes of more, I can recommend Fleetwood Mac's (the Peter Green incarnation) Boston Tea Party Vol 1. Rattlesnake shake runs at 25 mins. Perfect for a sunday morning shave and pissing off housmates with incessant riffing.
I vote the latter :)

It wouldn't be the first time I've been accused!

I do consider it my time, 10 minutes in the bathroom doing something that is just for me. I don't ask for much in life.

That's a big part for me too. Everyone knows they'll get an earful if they interrupt me, it's nice to just relax and enjoy the serenity.

Don't shave to music, but I am working on my Back in Back riff on my Strat. Now, Acca may be simple music, but Angus and Mal have nimble fingers. It's not easy to play what they do over and over again, at speed, in perfect time.

If you're into the Jam bands, and a shave takes you 15 minutes of more, I can recommend Fleetwood Mac's (the Peter Green incarnation) Boston Tea Party Vol 1. Rattlesnake shake runs at 25 mins. Perfect for a sunday morning shave and pissing off housmates with incessant riffing.

I'll check out the Fleetwood Mac, I'm a fan. The early bluesy stuff is better. Back in Black is a favourite of mine too, Mal is seriously underrated and one of my favourite players. I'm not sure how your guitar star skills are, but you might like jamming along to some Hendrix songs. The leads are tough, but there are some great rhythm tracks that helped me practice locking in tight to a groove. I play bass these days, but I've been doing the Acca/Led Zep/Hendrix/early The Who circuit. There's just something about those old school classic bands that make you feel epic while you jam on them.
All we need is a bass player and we have a Paste N Cut band.

Back in Black is one of our warmup songs - or a good song to belt out when pissed. Another one is Wild Thing. That goes on forever.

While we are talking Mac, Big Love live is a brilliant song. Lindsay has exceptionally nimble fingers.
Wild thing is a piece of piss, even I can play that. And Rumble.

I don't play leads yet, still too much to learn. Having the 3 kids doesn't give me a lot of time.
Blues and all music I appreciate is about feeling, as in this little blues masterpiece. Peter Green - Love In Vain Blues - YouTube

Technically you can pull holes in nearly every aspect. His singing is barely in key, rythmically it's just hanging in there but it's a stunning song. I didn't even know Peter Green was still alive until I heard this album a few years ago.

If any of you Perthies want to see a master blues lead guitarist go hunt down where Mike Videlli (Vdelli Band) is playing. One of the best drummers (Rick Whittle) you'll ever see too. One of their usual haunts is down at the Indian Ocean Hotel in Scarborough (the Indi to us locals), a typical Australian dive. No cover charge. He plays a couple of sets, goes berserk, rips the strings of his Gibson Les Paul junior and throws them in the audience. I've got a Mike Vedilli g-string.

Back on topic. No weird rituals here. I have to concentrate and bopping to music wouldn't work. I guess I could put on a quiet string quartet or something but that would be just be too weird if you ask me.
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