Where to turn?

If you can shave a bear - then you can surely shave your own beard :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Bear? Yeah, not likely, yet I think I could manage another wild animal, one also with a vicious reputation, despite it's size, and then use it's hair in a brush!

@Normie. Trust me I know what you mean by nasty shavettes, that's what I started on and used for ages years ago before I was on any shaving forum. Straights are definitely easier to use and more forgiving, although there is a learning curve it really shouldn't take that long but worth it in the long run imo, I find them a real pleasure to use. I exclusively shave with straight razors because that's what I enjoy and occasionally reach for a DE that I enjoy too, it's an art on it's own. Do what you enjoy and don't listen to anyone that tries to steer you away, at least you can't say you've never tried it.

So have I been doing it wrong all these years?
is it the Drubbing Way?
If yes, all's fine, if no, you're screwed!