Blobbie Blobbie Beautiful Blobbie

I can see the picture now - Sometime in the future and mark Jnr is approaching his 21st birthday - He approaches his rapidly aging father and states
"All I want for my birthday Dad is $10.00".
Mark Senior finds his teeth, slides them in and replies
"Why do you want so much money son" and immediately feels guilty having spent every penny he earned and borrowed on DE razors.
Mark Junior replies "Its for the latest ipod 27 app Dad - the one that shaves by sound waves".
Mark Senior heart starts to flutter - he looks around at his collection of 12500 DE razors (all in cases and shippers) all gleaming and shiny and realises if only he had taken that nice Mr Thomas up on his offer all those years ago he would have the money to give to his son. He mutely waves his arthritic hands around encompassing a portion of his lifes obsession and says "But son all this is yours" to which his son sadly responds
"no dad this is your obsession" as he patiently tucked the blanket around his fathers shriveled legs - gave him a sad glance and slowly made a path through the razors that lay around everywhere meanwhile plotting how to get rid of the old man and get in touch with the nice Mr Thomas to see if the offer was still available.

You still have time to avoid this Mark but I cant hang onto the tenner forever.


Who said you don't have a certain literary skill?

My son will LOVE DE shaving (or else....)


I presume the implication was a certain level of alchohol consumption on my part prior to the literary masterpiece. Not correct I just have one of these minds that every now and again departs into the wild blue yonder and that is the sort of stuff it comes out with. Could have something to do with being a child of the sixties but even then I didnt over indulge in the mind expanding culture.

Monsta edit: It's called Dementia.