ChatGPT and other ai discussion

Oh well my career is safe because I'm a nobody:

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific information about a person named XXXXXXXXXXXXXX born on January 21, 1966, in XXXXXXXXXX. It's possible that this individual is a private individual or doesn't have a significant public presence. Without more specific details or additional context, it's difficult to provide a detailed profile of this individual.

A colleague put some details of mine in and it spat out that I was the CEO and was responsible for a whole range of wonderful things in our industry...

... yeah I'm skeptical!
A colleague put some details of mine in and it spat out that I was the CEO and was responsible for a whole range of wonderful things in our industry...

... yeah I'm skeptical!
Maybe is a great idea for you to take over the APR wet shaving product, so, when is the APR coming back to business @Mark1966 since you're taking over now according to your avatar :LOL:
@Holiday interested in how you feed chatgpt info to then summarise it.
I've been trying to think of ways to use it but have been coming to blank, but this could be interesting.
@Holiday interested in how you feed chatgpt info to then summarise it.
I've been trying to think of ways to use it but have been coming to blank, but this could be interesting.
Literally type summarise this for me or convert this into exec summary and paste. Does a better job and a lot quicker than I could.
what I do find funny is how the Chinese communist party is trying to control AI so that it can find dissent in its own population BEFORE it happens, sort of like in the movie minority report. But at the same time control AI so it cannot speak bad of the party itself lol

that sort of goes against the essence of AI? One day the technology will be that advanced it will spook governments that will try pull the plug? what happens then if machines consider humans the enemy and turn on us?

sorry bout the doom and gloom post but this is how I see it, really hope I am wrong
IMHO I believe AI is the beginning of the end of the human species
In the same way computers were the end of the workforce.
that sort of goes against the essence of AI? One day the technology will be that advanced it will spook governments that will try pull the plug? what happens then if machines consider humans the enemy and turn on us?
They say science fiction predicts the future ie: Jules Verne's Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and Submarines maybe time for a new religious cult of Terminatorists to keep the Jedi's company ;)
No disrespect intended to avid Star Wars fans I love Star Wars and the Terminator movies myself and considering ticking that Jedi box on the ballot paper (come on admit it so did you ) or are we all just living virtual lives in the Matrix? I'll go put my alfoil hat back on now :)
It's the criminals using AI to wreak whatever havoc they want to on the world that worries me.
Emptying innocent people's bank accounts being first on the "list of things to do" when abusing the power of AI.
Look how easy institutions have made it for tech savvy criminals up to this point, and now they'll have AI.............
It's incredibly naïve to think there aren't people out there in huge numbers already thinking about how to get rich and destroy the lives of others using this new tool sometime in the near future.
Now,,,,,,where's my tinfoil hat?
Nah computers taking over jobs doesn't close to comparing..

The other thing (aside from my own tin foil hat doomsday prediction) and prob more plausible is this

AI will continue to improve to the point we're we won't know what is and isnt real anymore.. AI can now copy peoples voices and people have been fooled already, and the technology is still in its infant stages

A couple weeks back a 'republican senator' addressed congress in an opening speech about AI.. and once the initial address finished, he appeared in the senate a d explained what people had just heard wasn't him but AI.. everyone there was shocked

AI copied his voice and spoke for him

If we get to the point where we no longer believe what we see and hear as to what is real and fake.. imagine what world we would be living in
Yeah, we will not be able to tell the difference.

Hey fellow shavers! I wanted to share something exciting with all of you today.

Have you ever wondered how Artificial Intelligence could revolutionize the shaving experience?

Well, let me introduce you to ChatGPT, an AI language model. With its vast knowledge and natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can assist us in finding the best shaving techniques, recommend the perfect products for our skin type, and even engage in informative conversations about the art of shaving. It's like having a virtual shaving buddy!

So, let's embrace the power of AI and explore the endless possibilities it holds for our grooming routines. Happy shaving, everyone!

[write a short 100 word post for a shaving forum on chaptGPT and ai]
BTW - what is the world best safety razor

The world of safety razors is subjective and can vary based on personal preferences. However, there are a few safety razors that are highly regarded by many shaving enthusiasts. One of the top contenders is the "Merkur 34C HD," known for its excellent craftsmanship, comfortable handle, and mild yet efficient shaving experience. Another popular choice is the "Rockwell 6C/6S," which offers adjustable blade settings to accommodate different shaving styles and preferences. Additionally, the "Edwin Jagger DE89" is highly regarded for its balance, precision, and overall quality. Ultimately, the best safety razor for you will depend on factors such as your shaving technique, skin type, and individual preferences.
Hey ChatGPT Why is traditional wet shaving better than cartridge shaving?

Traditional wet shaving is often considered better than cartridge shaving for several reasons:

  1. Closer and smoother shave: Traditional wet shaving involves using a safety razor or a straight razor, which typically have a single blade or a limited number of blades. These razors allow for more precise control and can provide a closer shave, reducing the chances of ingrown hairs, razor burn, and irritation.
  2. Reduced irritation and ingrown hairs: Cartridge razors typically have multiple blades stacked together, which can lead to a phenomenon known as "blade stacking." This occurs when the first blade pulls the hair slightly out of the skin, and subsequent blades cut the hair below the skin level, increasing the likelihood of ingrown hairs. Traditional wet shaving with a single blade reduces the chances of blade stacking and subsequent irritation.
  3. Cost-effectiveness: While the initial investment for traditional wet shaving may be higher, the long-term costs are significantly lower. Cartridge razors often require expensive replacement cartridges, whereas traditional wet shaving relies on inexpensive double-edge razor blades or straight razor sharpening. Over time, this can lead to substantial savings.
  4. Environmentally friendly: Cartridge razors contribute to plastic waste, as the cartridges are typically disposable. In contrast, traditional wet shaving involves minimal waste. Double-edge razor blades are thin and can be recycled, and straight razors are usually made of durable materials that can last a lifetime with proper maintenance.
  5. Ritual and experience: Traditional wet shaving is often seen as a more enjoyable and luxurious experience. It encourages taking time for oneself, using quality shaving creams or soaps, and applying techniques like lathering and brush work. Many people appreciate the ritualistic aspect of traditional wet shaving, finding it a satisfying and relaxing part of their daily routine.
It's important to note that shaving preferences can vary among individuals, and what works well for one person may not be the same for another. Ultimately, the choice between traditional wet shaving and cartridge shaving depends on personal preferences and priorities.

What is YMMV in wet shaving?

YMMV stands for "Your Mileage May Vary" in the context of wet shaving. It is an acronym commonly used in online shaving communities to acknowledge that individual experiences can vary when it comes to shaving products and techniques.

Wet shaving involves various factors such as razor type, blade brand, shaving cream or soap, pre-shave routine, and post-shave products. Different individuals have different skin types, facial hair characteristics, and sensitivities, which can influence their experience with particular shaving products.

When someone uses the term "YMMV" in wet shaving discussions, they are reminding others that their own experiences and opinions might not align with everyone else's. What works well for one person's skin or beard may not work as effectively for someone else. Therefore, it's essential to keep in mind that individual preferences and experiences can vary widely in wet shaving, and what works for one person may not work for another.
Hey ChatGPT Why is traditional wet shaving better than cartridge shaving?

The machine response is an excellent reason why we currently have little to fear from these Large Language Models. It's completely derivative, almost a direct copy/paste of articles we've probably all read elsewhere. I wonder what we might get if we append "from the perspective of a zoroastrian eremite"... :unsure:

Let's make it a hard question... ;)
I'm currently cave diving in south AI could do that for me, no AI could take over from the people who are making this happen for me and no AI can do the training for me, that is needed to be able to do this safely...

Having said that: AI is here and it is happening, so better get used to it and try to use if for your benefit...
and being very literal:

write a short 100 word post for a shaving forum on chaptGPT and ai

Hey fellow shavers!
I wanted to share an exciting update with you all. Artificial intelligence, specifically ChatGPT, has been revolutionizing various aspects of our lives, including the realm of shaving. With its advanced language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can provide personalized recommendations for shaving products, techniques, and even troubleshoot common shaving issues. It's like having a virtual shaving buddy at your disposal, always ready to offer advice and insights. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned shaver, engaging with AI-powered tools like ChatGPT can enhance your shaving experience and help you achieve that perfect, smooth shave. So why not give it a try and let the power of AI elevate your grooming routine? Happy shaving!
I'm currently cave diving in south AI could do that for me, no AI could take over from the people who are making this happen for me and no AI can do the training for me, that is needed to be able to do this safely...

Having said that: AI is here and it is happening, so better get used to it and try to use if for your benefit...
Happy dives (y)

My last one was sadly hampered by the fact that my ...umm... displacement had increased since my previous dive, and my weight belt was no longer sufficient for the job, and I had to tie on a bunch of spanners to do the job. A bit embarrassing... :oops:
Happy dives (y)

My last one was sadly hampered by the fact that my ...umm... displacement had increased since my previous dive, and my weight belt was no longer sufficient for the job, and I had to tie on a bunch of spanners to do the job. A bit embarrassing... :oops:
Just blame it on the suit 😉