Review Feather AS-D2

Funny how you've gone full circle again
Yes and no mate. The straight, honed with a coticule edge, is still the most smooth yet the most efficient (some call 'aggressive'). Getting better with the straight seems to have much improved my DE shaving technique. The skin stretches really helps the comfort and the final result.
...not sure, but I think I'm curious about trying the AS-D2 again one day.
Some useful information here on the ASD2, a great resource and good to find spot on information in one thread. I wanted to add a few videos that I found helpful when first starting out with the Feather and hopefully they may prove informative to others considering purchasing.

Great review and insight...seems like I need another stainless :whistle::whistle::whistle:

Although I would need a side view picture, I think the head looks very similar to the British Pre-war fat and thin handle techs. Only with 3 lather slots instead of the two...

Would make sense to me - it is the best Tech for me out there, and the only one I still have (actually I have 2 cased ones). The originals are just too light for me, but I might use them as my travel razor, since most my other razors would be a real pain to replace.

I am sure you could pop over the National Gillette Museum and do a in person comparison?

Drop sell these quite frequently and I actually bought one from them for around $125 US. For some reason they sent me two.
Drop sell these quite frequently and I actually bought one from them for around $125 US. For some reason they sent me two.
A lot of razors have come and gone into/from the den since my post in 2015 :eek::eek::eek: including an AS-D2 - but thanks for the offer
I eventually gave them both away as well. I found razors that I like better and in some cases a lot better.