Starting with a straight razor having a good shave-ready edge, my diamond pasted balsa stropping routine consists of:
1. Holding the 0.5um balsa strop in hand and using about the pressure of one finger lying on the blade stropping edge trailing;
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
end-for-end the balsa strop
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
Wipe the blade clean to remove all possible traces of the invisible 0.5um diamond particles.
2. Holding the 0.25um balsa strop in hand and using just the weight of the blade stropping edge trailing;
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
end-for-end the balsa strop
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
Wipe the blade clean to remove all possible traces of the invisible 0.25um diamond particles.
3. Holding the 0.1um balsa strop in hand and using just the weight of the blade stropping edge trailing;
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
end-for-end the balsa strop
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
15 standard laps
6 pull strokes
4. Holding the 0.1um balsa strop in hand
hanging and using no pressure but having the edge in contact with the diamond pasted balsa strop surface, stropping up and down edge trailing;
15 standard laps
6 short X strokes
15 standard laps
8 short X strokes
end-for-end the balsa strop
15 standard laps
10 short X strokes
15 standard laps
12 short X strokes
Wipe the blade clean to remove all possible traces of the invisible 0.1um diamond particles.
5. Holding the leather strop reasonably tight and using just the weight of the blade for pressure, 50 to 60 laps on a clean leather strop. There should be almost no deflection in the strop while stropping.
6. Shave
7. Wipe the blade dry with toilet paper being careful to not touch the edge.
8. Holding the cloth strop reasonably tight and using just the weight of the blade for pressure, 6 to 8 laps on a clean cloth strop to remove any soap residue. There should be almost no deflection in the strop while stropping.
Repeat steps 1 to 8 with each shave until you notice no further improvement in the quality of the blade's edge. Once no further improvement is noticed with the blade's edge, just use steps 4 to 8 with each shave. The blade should now never need to touch a whetstone/lapping film again (unless physically damaged).
The short pull strokes remove any microscopic burrs, wires or fin-edge that may be developing. The short X strokes do the same but also put a microscopic X scratch patten on the bevel that tends to increase shaving comfort.
Occasionally you may wish to try a full progression again using steps 1 to 8, just to see if there is any improvement.