It's sad really

Surely nobody is putting that to their face?

Sure is. It's hanging in pride and place next to the basin. I have tried to tell him in the past and he just isn't interested. Mind you the last time I said something I was sporting a 2cm long cut on my lower neck from when I wasn't paying attention to the fact my elbow was shortening the angle of my straight whilst attempting a tricky scythe pass!

He tells me he gets quite a long while out of a cart saying he won't throw it until it is "very painful" to use. I won't tell you his occupation because it would immediately identify him (there is only one in this district) but he has a rather high level position in the legal system and takes a VERY healthy salary. Not that you would know by looking.. he lives very humbly.. obviously since he won't spent on carts!
Oh dear...

I would have thought someone like this would be a prime candidate for a basic DE and a bulk pack of cheap blades. That way he can be more frugal than he currently is but will still get a decent shave with a fresh blade in the process - there is no reason to stretch the number of shaves with DE blades. May need to PIF the DE and blades for him though to get things started... even just a Feather Popular would be a big step up by all accounts (I haven't used a DE but this is what I've read around the traps).
Oh boy. When I used carts I generally shaved no more than once a week and tried to get as many shaves as possible out of them, but I never used a rusty blade, that's just unsanitary. I used to use this rubber razor pit thing from shavershop to clean my blades and get more life out of them. Maybe your mate should try one of those?