January 2017 Acquisition Thread

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I think it's great stuff. I already have the cool which is something along the lines of floyd blue. This is an American barabershop style. Both are subtle scents but as I apply twice (again as I leave the house) I get the smells all day. Alcohol based but no sting, zero. Very light on application, doesn't dry too much.

+1 on comments above from @Sxot. I really rate the Reserve range. Cool is my fav due to the menthol; all three have great scents and face feel.
Cool is my fav due to the menthol; all three have great scents and face feel.

The 'skin food' compounds in the Reserve range is exhaustive, there is everything from VitB5 (Panthenol) through to Allantoin (Both in the Aloe leaf juice and as a compound) in the reserve range and he has reduced the alcohol dramatically. I often use his aftershaves based on their 'skin tonic' properties alone.

I like Wills idea of moving right away from high alcohol percentage + fragrance = aftershave and I am doing the same with APR.
The 'skin food' compounds in the Reserve range is exhaustive, there is everything from VitB5 (Panthenol) through to Allantoin (Both in the Aloe leaf juice and as a compound) in the reserve range and he has reduced the alcohol dramatically. I often use his aftershaves based on their 'skin tonic' properties alone.

I like Wills idea of moving right away from high alcohol percentage + fragrance = aftershave and I am doing the same with APR.
I agree @todras - also Shawn at Chatillon Lux makes awesome toners (as you know) - these feel great on the skin too, and don't have the shipping restrictions because of the no-alcohol content.

A whole pile of great scents from @todras including some unobtanium (hope it's okay to post photos of those! :D)

Seriously in love with Coco Santal!

A 'Call of Duty' mail call this morning, I buy boxes of these 'date rolls' online to support the building of dunny's around the world to help stop the spread of communicable disease, water contamination and a host of other easily preventable illnesses. Fairly cheap and I know I'm doing my bit to help wipe out disease....

Who Gives A Crap ?

I do.
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