My Kamisori Experience

I have never used a replaceable blade kamisori style razor and I only have one traditional style asymmetric kamisori. I do occasionally shave with a normal style shavette.

Replaceable blade razors generally have a keener edge than what most can get with their own honing. I have very occasionally been able to match a feather blade edge with home honing and finishing on diamond pasted balsa.

Shavette shaving shaving is similar but different to normal SR shaving. It requires greater concentration and skill. I believe that this is because of the keener edge and that the shavette blade does not flex as a traditional SR blade may.

If it is within your budget, I suggest that you give the Feather "kamisori" a go for a couple of weeks of daily shaving. If it works for you, great. If not, you can always PIF it to another on P&C who wishes to give it a go.
As an aside to @Bladerunner7's question above, I have found that after developing my basic traditional kamisori shaving technique using just the Omote side of the blade against my skin, my technique with traditional SR shaving has improved. This is particularly noticeable on my neck and jawline area with my growth is about horizontal towards the rear.

Kamisori shaving is probably the next step up from traditional SR shaving. If you have the opportunity and time to work on it, I recommend that give one-sided kamisori shaving a go. It really gets you concentrating and thinking about you shave.
@rbscebu , had a question that isn't Kamisori related directly but more like a step brother of it. I saw a Feather Artist Club SS Fixed Straight Razor Shavette in a shop that is close to my home. Was very intrigued with the design and the way it felt in the hand. What's your view on this Razor Richard?


Hi, I’m not Richard, but have been Kamisori (traditional) shaving for over 4 years and “started” Richard on this journey? I started with an AC blade razor (as above) but firmly believe (IMHO) it is another style of shaving. For me the “finish” was about 90-95% of a Kamisori, but if you do not want the expense of, or have the time to hone etc, then I can recommend them. It is then angle technique and AC blade selection (a learning curve) to suit you, hope some help.
I have never used a replaceable blade kamisori style razor and I only have one traditional style asymmetric kamisori. I do occasionally shave with a normal style shavette.

Replaceable blade razors generally have a keener edge than what most can get with their own honing. I have very occasionally been able to match a feather blade edge with home honing and finishing on diamond pasted balsa.

Shavette shaving shaving is similar but different to normal SR shaving. It requires greater concentration and skill. I believe that this is because of the keener edge and that the shavette blade does not flex as a traditional SR blade may.

If it is within your budget, I suggest that you give the Feather "kamisori" a go for a couple of weeks of daily shaving. If it works for you, great. If not, you can always PIF it to another on P&C who wishes to give it a go.
Thanks for this mate. Much appreciated.
Hi, I’m not Richard, but have been Kamisori (traditional) shaving for over 4 years and “started” Richard on this journey? I started with an AC blade razor (as above) but firmly believe (IMHO) it is another style of shaving. For me the “finish” was about 90-95% of a Kamisori, but if you do not want the expense of, or have the time to hone etc, then I can recommend them. It is then angle technique and AC blade selection (a learning curve) to suit you, hope some help.
Thanks a lot for this Les, I think I will give it a go and probably try a Feather Pro Guard in it first. I do use the Feather Pro in my DE Razors and love it but I think a more forgiving blade might be better to start with.