DE looks nice... I am no expert but probably $25 there?
The straights are in very average condition. Black scaled looks the best condition hone wear wise, but worst in rust. The top left white scaled one is clean, but has significant hone wear, but not enough to make it unshaveable. The bottom looks to have broken scales so junk however you do not show the blade condition. It has some significant rust up high, but if the edge is good, I would put it into the top left white scales after a clean up. I've cleaned up and used worse so maybe $5-10 for the black scaled, and same for the combined white scaled. That gives you $25+20= $45 worth. By my reckoning you have overpaid by $5!? Put the razors under a scope and see what is happening rust wise on the edge. You could well find no matter how much new steel you expose you expose rust along with it. In that case, the razor is junk.
In the end I like to think of things like this:
Was it worth the gamble? Probably. Was it fun? Will it be enjoyable cleaning them up, swapping scales? It would be for me... so if nothing else you could get (have got) a few hours of entertainment and skill development. Is that worth $50? People pay $75 for a meal at a couple of drinks at a restaurant. A movie here is $25! Go wake boarding for an hour is $75 etc.