OMG rash what do I do

Second thought is that Cella does not work well with that particular razor/blade combo.
Bah! Cella would work with a piece of broken glass or a rusty strip of metal.

I don't go for the soap and blade matching theory. A good soap is a good soap no matter what razor and blade you use with it.

If I irritate myself, it's user error with blades that are too sharp.
.........not all together smooth yet lacking roughness........

That makes about as much sense as wine tasting descriptions. There's something not right with DE blade users. There should be one here, but I' still refuse to use smileys.
It's a hard thing to explain PJ, but I see smoothness and roughness as individual characteristics, and not a linear plane of one characteristic.

For me, blades can feel smooth on my face, yet can indicate roughness on a certain pass or even in one particular area on my face.

I would agree in most cases some pogonotomists may be confused, but you can most certainly have a blade that exhibits no roughness at all, yet gives no impression of smoothness. That is what I would call a very neutral blade. And that is how I see the Gillette Goal blades.
That's just plain confusing to a poor ol' SE blade user. To me a blade is still sharp and it works or it's buggered and you grab a new one. Read the other day that there are at least 70 different DE blades out there. Where's the market? Surely most of them are just repackaged or rebranded.


Ha, that's a good one.
But mainly look at where they are produced I guess, eastern europe and asia, especially India as people there don't want to pay $3 a cartridge blade. And there's factories in those places still making DE razors (lord, vincent, parker, feather etc), while there's no decent SE razors still in production.
If merkur and muhle can still make DE razors for the western market profitably, or even feather and goodfella, then there's still a large market for DE blades.