Shave of the Day 2015

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SOC 2 Band
Dr Harris Marlborough
Ikon 102
Sputnik (2)
British Sterling

Nice performance from this new to me soap. A fairly light woody scent. First try with the tuckaway handle, quite small but nimble, a keeper for sure.
Much better results than the barbershop shave I had yesterday.
Brush: Shave Revolution HMW
Razor: Weber PH
Soap: WSP Pumpkin Spice
Post: Cold water and lots of it

Probably the worst shave since I switched to DE shaving. Soap smells fantastic, almost want to eat it. Brush is good sized handle and works well, could maybe have a touch more backbone but still think it is going to be a favourite brush. Wish the tin was larger to make for easier loading something I have problems with including LPL and PAA small tins (with such better packaging available I don't know why they don't change).

So why the bad shave. Well the soap burnt and then stung on my face. I have used many soaps or many various different types of scents and have never had any problems with any of them that I can remember and never had anywhere near the same burning sensation and redness that it caused. I still did a quick one pass shave and the soap preforms well apart from my reaction to it.
Brush: Shave Revolution HMW
Razor: Weber PH
Soap: WSP Pumpkin Spice
Post: Cold water and lots of it

Probably the worst shave since I switched to DE shaving. Soap smells fantastic, almost want to eat it. Brush is good sized handle and works well, could maybe have a touch more backbone but still think it is going to be a favourite brush. Wish the tin was larger to make for easier loading something I have problems with including LPL and PAA small tins (with such better packaging available I don't know why they don't change).

So why the bad shave. Well the soap burnt and then stung on my face. I have used many soaps or many various different types of scents and have never had any problems with any of them that I can remember and never had anywhere near the same burning sensation and redness that it caused. I still did a quick one pass shave and the soap preforms well apart from my reaction to it.
Sorry to hear that mate, as scent and performance wise, it sounds like it was a winner for you.
Soap: Stirling Glacial, Obsidian (Thank you @StueyB )
Epsilon Horse
Razor: Schick Injector with Bakelite handle
Blade: Schick (3)
A/S: Thayers Witch Hazel and Proraso

Stirling Obsidian is an interesting soap. Strong licorice scent and a face freezing menthol that I'm sure would be popular when the mercury rises. The best attribute in my opinion is the rich and protective lather.

The Schick Injector (inspired PCB3 purchase) got off to a shaky start this week. Its light and mild attributes did not initially agree with my preferences however I am starting to warm to it. Easy to use, easy on the face and quite effective. Not as close an ATT or Weber but the feather-light touch on the face is most welcome after a couple of weeks with the hefty Mongoose.

Proraso Green was the natural choice of aftershave to compliment the soap.

IMG_2002 by cranky, on Flickr

First Shave with a real straight razor not bad took my time but no nicks or cuts plenty of pulling though don't think its sharp enough not shave ready.
Gave the razor a bit of a strop but i didn't have any stropping paste might need some good advise from the experts on this forum of the best stropping
paste to buy haven't even looked at honing as yet.
Hope someone can set me straight thanks guys.

Razor Dovo Staright
Shave Cream Proraso Green
Brush Shavemac
Aftershave Proraso

Regards cranky

Is what you say when your SOTD photo is predominantly of yellow tones, really…

Razor | De Pews | Creams | Wahl Traditional Barbers and ‘Shave’ mixed together | After Shave | Myrosol Aqua de Limón

I love this razor. It’s so outrageous. It’s so small but a very wedgy grind. It’s less than two inches from the tip of the toe to the stabiliser. The monkey tail is really nice to hold and it’s really manoeuvrable. I'm pretty sure the scales are original, probably horn. It dates from about 1882.

I mixed the two creams together but messed up; somehow too much water got in the mix – I think maybe the tap was dripping so the lather was runny. I can shave with a pretty bad lather; if I stuff it up normally I just go with it…

Myrosol Aqua de Limón is manufactured specifically for Adelaide at this time of the year, or so I'm told.

Had a nice day at work, a coffee shop meeting for an hour followed by some Friday work place frivolities…

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...First Shave with a real straight razor not bad took my time but no nicks or cuts plenty of pulling though don't think its sharp enough not shave ready...

Hey I'd most definitely get it honed by someone who knows how and I'd definitely not venture in to paste territory yet. 'Pulling' always means a razor that's not sharp enough in my experience.
Hey guys I'm new to the forum can someone explain how to PM mark might need his services to hone my new straight razor sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section.
SOTD Friday, October 30

Cold water shave
Preshave: Bloom water
Soap: Soap Commander Purpose (Bay Rum)
Brush: Edwin Jagger badger
Face lather
Razor: Gold Monkey 6/8

TheSoap Commander is a good shave soap, just very "thirsty" requiring a fair amount of water to maintain it's moisture. As it dries on the face quickly there is no time to enjoy each pass; just git in an' git 'er dun. Soap smells more citrus than bay rum but still a good scent.

The straight is sharp and performs well. Smooth, close and no nicks.

Is what you say when your SOTD photo is predominantly of yellow tones, really…

Razor | De Pews | Creams | Wahl Traditional Barbers and ‘Shave’ mixed together | After Shave | Myrosol Aqua de Limón

I love this razor. It’s so outrageous. It’s so small but a very wedgy grind. It’s less than two inches from the tip of the toe to the stabiliser. The monkey tail is really nice to hold and it’s really manoeuvrable. I'm pretty sure the scales are original, probably horn. It dates from about 1882.

I mixed the two creams together but messed up; somehow too much water got in the mix – I think maybe the tap was dripping so the lather was runny. I can shave with a pretty bad lather; if I stuff it up normally I just go with it…

Myrosol Aqua de Limón is manufactured specifically for Adelaide at this time of the year, or so I'm told.

Had a nice day at work, a coffee shop meeting for an hour followed by some Friday work place frivolities…

The stakes have been raised, photo-wise. Loving your work!
Hey guys I'm new to the forum can someone explain how to PM mark might need his services to hone my new straight razor sorry if I've posted this in the wrong section.

@cranky can't remember how it works but think you have to be approved before you can start a PM with someone. Best way to get approved is to hit likes on some posts you like.

@Monsta_AU can correct me if I am wrong.
First SOTD post for me since I joined a few months ago and have since been fairly inactive. I will hopefully contribute a bit more frequently in future.

Razor: Muhle R41
Blade: Gillette Silver Blue
Brush: Paladin PK-47
Soap: Pannacrema Ebano
Aftershave: Myrsol Limon

Beautiful Paladin!

Is what you say when your SOTD photo is predominantly of yellow tones, really…

Razor | De Pews | Creams | Wahl Traditional Barbers and ‘Shave’ mixed together | After Shave | Myrosol Aqua de Limón

I love this razor. It’s so outrageous. It’s so small but a very wedgy grind. It’s less than two inches from the tip of the toe to the stabiliser. The monkey tail is really nice to hold and it’s really manoeuvrable. I'm pretty sure the scales are original, probably horn. It dates from about 1882.

I mixed the two creams together but messed up; somehow too much water got in the mix – I think maybe the tap was dripping so the lather was runny. I can shave with a pretty bad lather; if I stuff it up normally I just go with it…

Myrosol Aqua de Limón is manufactured specifically for Adelaide at this time of the year, or so I'm told.

Had a nice day at work, a coffee shop meeting for an hour followed by some Friday work place frivolities…

Love the picture - but you have to include your brushes ;)
Testing week for the PermaSharp and alum block, so have kept most things consistent. Just worked through the different soaps since Wed

Pre-shave: Cetaphil Cleansing Bar & bloom water
Razor: Merkur 34c HD
Blade: Permasharp (3-5)
Soap: Proraso Green Cream (Wed) , Col Conk Bay Rum (Thu), Body Shop Macca (Fri)
Brush: Semogue 1800
Post-shave: Alum & Proraso Green

Really liked the Permasharp this week. Felt some tugging with the Col Conk, but attribute this to the lather rather than the blade.No problems with the others I've used this week. This morning's shave was particularly good, which surprised me being the 5th day with this blade, and also using the body shop shaving cream. How would I compare it to the Astra SP? Slightly smoother, sharpness comparable to start, but PSS maintain that quality a little longer.

In terms of soaps, Shaver Heaven still head and shoulders in front for enjoyment and performance. Proraso has a familiar quality that I love (remember my father using a DE razor and proraso when I was young) and enjoying the menthol with the Qld temps starting to rise. Body Shop, this one just baffles me. It doesn't feel like anything special, but seems to give me good shaves.

Just gotta decide what blade to trial next week... Lab blue, GSB or Pol Si. Might have to be decided by random number generator in excel! Ohh, and I should be receiving some new soaps into the fold (MWF, Cella, LPL and Le Toja).
IMG_2002 by cranky, on Flickr

First Shave with a real straight razor not bad took my time but no nicks or cuts plenty of pulling though don't think its sharp enough not shave ready.
Gave the razor a bit of a strop but i didn't have any stropping paste might need some good advise from the experts on this forum of the best stropping
paste to buy haven't even looked at honing as yet.
Hope someone can set me straight thanks guys.

Razor Dovo Staright
Shave Cream Proraso Green
Brush Shavemac
Aftershave Proraso

Regards cranky

Hi @cranky

Two additional things to consider, is your lather remaining wet and is the angle of your blade about 1 - 1.5 spine widths off your face [wtg]. Your blade is probably a bit dull but also consider the lather and the angle.
Thanks Bald as, something to consider i did take my time and yes you are correct the lather did start to dry out i had to keep reapplying, blade angle obvoiuslly i will have to conentrate on my technique, last night i compared the straight razor to my shavette which i have been practising on for a while and honestly i can't tell the difference in sharpness so maybe she just needs a good strop need to find some paste/compound today.
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