Shave of the Day Thread - 2017

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bit of a somber shave this morning preparing to go to a good mates funeral after losing his fight to cancer at 33 last week.
used the maggards synthetic brush with squadron ace soap and the maggards slant razor with my edwin jagger handle. this razor is really growing on me with the lighter handle. finished off with some dickinsons witch hazel and some calvin Kliene eternity edt.
Sorry for your loss @beerhog. I lost a mate at a similar age to breast cancer of all things - I still think of him regularly. He was a really great guy - it took a very long time for his wife to move on - they were real soul mates...
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Really sorry for your loss @beerhog :(

Pre-Shave: @khun_diddy Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Colonial General Aluminium
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild (2)
Brush: Thäter 2-band Bulb
Lather: Squadron Soap Ad Astra
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, Australian Emu Oil​

After a week of joy with the Guerrila I got back today to the Colonial. I think I must have the worst technique on this planet. Every one raves about this razor and I get a shave with lots of weepers, razor burn and it is not even close...I guess I need to learn a lot more.

The new Squadron soap is made with 100% essential oils and produced some lovely lather (picture here). The scent is subtle, but very nice - it definitely reminds me of Gin & Tonic (y)
Been busy lately. Last two shaves have been two days growth including today. Yes, I went to work unshaven! My daughters love it when I kiss them good night with a two day growth. It's almost worth doing it all the time. They giggle and laugh and tell me "Daddy, go get your whiskers off!". So as a good obedient Dad I did that this morning.


Pre: Nil
Blade: Tanifuji 6/8
Strop: DIY Roo
Brush: Shavemac custom 28mm D01 3 band silver tip.
Soap: APR - Bay City
Post: APR - Bay City

I decided this morning that this was my favourite knot. It has just a little less backbone than it's nearest rival (M&F 2XL) giving it that little bit more flow through and more of a brush feel. It's still very stiff with little bloom don't get me wrong, just more like a brush and less like a solid wall of badger. Quick, efficient, smooth 2 passes only stopping to rinse the bald between changing hands (three times) gotta love a naked blade.
King of shaves oil
Proraso green pre shave
LEA Classic soap
Semogue BC Texugo
Focus Slim AL razor
Gillette silver platinum blade
LEA Classic aftershave

LEA Classic aftershave is a winner, matching the soap scent perfectly. @nav1 I think you'd like this aftershave too. Slightly mentholated and balmy post feel.

The real star of the show is the Slim Al though. More thoughts on this to come but first impressions are it's an incredible piece of workmanship and the best shavette on the market hands down.

King of shaves oil
Proraso green pre shave
LEA Classic soap
Semogue BC Texugo
Focus Slim AL razor
Gillette silver platinum blade
LEA Classic aftershave

LEA Classic aftershave is a winner, matching the soap scent perfectly. @nav1 I think you'd like this aftershave too. Slightly mentholated and balmy post feel.

The real star of the show is the Slim Al though. More thoughts on this to come but first impressions are it's an incredible piece of workmanship and the best shavette on the market hands down.

Cool...will have to pick some up next time I place an order!
bit of a somber shave this morning preparing to go to a good mates funeral after losing his fight to cancer at 33 last week.
used the maggards synthetic brush with squadron ace soap and the maggards slant razor with my edwin jagger handle. this razor is really growing on me with the lighter handle. finished off with some dickinsons witch hazel and some calvin Kliene eternity edt.
Thoughts and prayers are with everyone who knew your mate. I'm sorry for your loss
Finally back for SOTD after a hiatus after Tapatalk access was denied. Happy to show off some of the gear I now have since then. By the way. Now am an absolute APR convert and may have something special in an upcoming SOTD thanks to @todras for giving me a great opportunity. Tried Winterfell, now I've bought another 4 sets of soaps and AS splashes. Andy feather ASD2 soon becoming one of my favourite razors.
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather (3) my skin doesn't like this blade too much although it worked well tonight
Soap: APR Winterfell
Brush: Vulfix Super Badger (small knot but amazing for 3 passes still)
AS Splash: APR Winterfell
AS Balm: APR Winterfell
Happy shaving everyone!

Finally back for SOTD after a hiatus after Tapatalk access was denied. Happy to show off some of the gear I now have since then. By the way. Now am an absolute APR convert and may have something special in an upcoming SOTD thanks to @todras for giving me a great opportunity. Tried Winterfell, now I've bought another 4 sets of soaps and AS splashes. Andy feather ASD2 soon becoming one of my favourite razors.
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather (3) my skin doesn't like this blade too much although it worked well tonight
Soap: APR Winterfell
Brush: Vulfix Super Badger (small knot but amazing for 3 passes still)
AS Splash: APR Winterfell
AS Balm: APR Winterfell
Happy shaving everyone!

Also let me know if you can see the picture. Unsure on how to post on web browser :(
Finally back for SOTD after a hiatus after Tapatalk access was denied. Happy to show off some of the gear I now have since then. By the way. Now am an absolute APR convert and may have something special in an upcoming SOTD thanks to @todras for giving me a great opportunity. Tried Winterfell, now I've bought another 4 sets of soaps and AS splashes. Andy feather ASD2 soon becoming one of my favourite razors.
Razor: Feather AS-D2
Blade: Feather (3) my skin doesn't like this blade too much although it worked well tonight
Soap: APR Winterfell
Brush: Vulfix Super Badger (small knot but amazing for 3 passes still)
AS Splash: APR Winterfell
AS Balm: APR Winterfell
Happy shaving everyone!


Try a Polsilver in it .. you won't look back! I have the APR Winterfell Soap. Not much of a After Shave guy and instead like EDP/Ts so have the Winterfell EDP which I love.
Sorry for your loss @beerhog. I lost a mate at a similar age to breast cancer of all things - I still think of him regularly. He was a really great guy - it took a very long time for his wife to move on - they were real soul mates...
thanks for your thoughts guys.
@RazorPlay cancer is a real bastard isn't it. the only half decent thing about it is it took him fairly quick around 4 weeks from getting ill to passing away. he was positive and convinced he was going to beat it though until the last 3 days.
Try a Polsilver in it .. you won't look back! I have the APR Winterfell Soap. Not much of a After Shave guy and instead like EDP/Ts so have the Winterfell EDP which I love.
Already tried PolSilvers. Absolutely amazing. And Perma-Sharp are my #1 go to. Just wanted to try a feather in a feather. Still good, but nothing on pols and permas
Long time no post so what better way to get back in then with a SOTD !

Rockwell 6s on 3
PAA Miami Libre
Simpsons Best Polo P8

Just picked this soap and razor up in the last week and I am loving them. Learning to use a new razor is always fun but so far it's going awesome. The soap is simply delicious & it really smells good enough to eat !

Out of curiosity is Fatboy still around these days ? I dropped my Slim a while ago and knocked the alignment off but would like to get it fixed.
Also let me know if you can see the picture. Unsure on how to post on web browser :(

Not for me, it's hosted with google images. All I see is the tag displayed, which I have to right click on and open in a new tab in FF.

To easily use an image you have hosted somewhere you click on the Picture icon (3rd from the left)

A dialog box will pop-up like this....


Where you paste the URL of the hosted image. In this case your image which I saved from your Google images album and uploaded to imgur which does not seem to cause display problems. Many of the other free image hosting services work too btw, I just use imgur out of personal preference.

'et voilà


Pre-Shave: @khun_diddy Olive Oil Soap, cold water
Razor: Colonial General Aluminium
Blade: Kai Captain Titan Mild (2)
Brush: Thäter 2-band Bulb
Lather: Squadron Soap Ad Astra
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Bay Laurel Witch Hazel, Australian Emu Oil​

After a week of joy with the Guerrila I got back today to the Colonial. I think I must have the worst technique on this planet. Every one raves about this razor and I get a shave with lots of weepers, razor burn and it is not even close...I guess I need to learn a lot more.

The new Squadron soap is made with 100% essential oils and produced some lovely lather (picture here). The scent is subtle, but very nice - it definitely reminds me of Gin & Tonic (y)

@alfredus IF your stubble is a bit tough for the Kai Captain Titan Mild or not shaving smooth enough like razor burn switch over to Feather Pro, you don't have to keep going with the Kai Captain Titan Mild also don't jump on the Feather Super until you've tried the Feather Pro. Good luck ;)(y)
bit of a somber shave this morning preparing to go to a good mates funeral after losing his fight to cancer at 33 last week.
used the maggards synthetic brush with squadron ace soap and the maggards slant razor with my edwin jagger handle. this razor is really growing on me with the lighter handle. finished off with some dickinsons witch hazel and some calvin Kliene eternity edt.
Sorry for your loss @beerhog, my condolences.
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