2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

You never climbed the highest mountain in the world and you’ll never survive.

The salter smells good. I’ve got one of the smaller pucks I’m going to try in a vintage scuttle tonight and see how it lathers.
OK. First shave, Fantastic thick lather. Cushion and slickness seem good. I think on par with Tabac. So it seems for the meantime there is a Tallow hard puck with a great value proposition still available.
Got a little something in the mail from @TroyTools

Very nice little box too.




25mm badger knot and the handle is a timber called Osage Orange, as some of you may know I used to make archery tackle and this timber was highly regarded used extensively by many groups of native Americans for their bows, it is not common here in Australia but had been imported to use as a wind break by early immigrants from the US.
I have had this stave sitting around for about 10 years as it wasn’t good for a bow due to poor shape but it sure does make a beautiful brush.

Yes yes I know it's a Yaqi but with the aliexpress sale discount it was too tempting to pass up. Tachi half de head and Lancelot handle. Pity the crest doesn't align with the head but oh well.
Maybe a little nylon washer would help with that?
This arrived while I was away...


I hadn't intended to add any more to my Yardley stash, but late night libations put paid to that resolution. This one is different though, it's not lavender. The scent is wood/sandalwood/oakmoss and more. And it's all there, big-time. I don't know when this soap was made, but I would guess 60s or 70s. I've seen these containers sold empty as Bakelite, but I'm quite sure it isn't, I reckon it's plastic.
Got a little something in the mail from @TroyTools

Very nice little box too.




25mm badger knot and the handle is a timber called Osage Orange, as some of you may know I used to make archery tackle and this timber was highly regarded used extensively by many groups of native Americans for their bows, it is not common here in Australia but had been imported to use as a wind break by early immigrants from the US.
I have had this stave sitting around for about 10 years as it wasn’t good for a bow due to poor shape but it sure does make a beautiful brush.

AliExpress Choice Day pickup. Each brush was about $15 each, which means I'm basically paying for the knot and getting handle for free. Finally got to try the DSCosmetic G7 (Right) (their Gen5 synth) and another T4 (Left) (Gen4).

The DSC G7 is a bit scritchier and rougher than the Oumo SHD G5, so there are levels to this (I paid about $60 for that G5, which would put it on par with some lower end badgers). I have the first release T4 from years ago, and this new version T4 is much softer and holds water better. I'd say it's even better than the Yaqi G4, and a good value buy if looking for a Gen4 syth.

In my quest to discover the perfect injector razor, I received this PAL adjustable (c. 1962) this morning. After soaking the head for thirty minutes in boiling water/bi-carb soda, then another thirty minutes in boiling water/dishwashing liquid and then scrubbing it with a toothbrush (not the same one I use every day), I then attempted to insert a new Schick Proline blade. What a bugger that was, since the carbon steel blade that had been in it for who knows how many years had rusted significantly. I sprayed it with WD-40 and after waiting fifteen minutes easily removed the old blade. Once again I got out the toothbrush and soapy water to remove the WD-40 and it's now ready to go on Friday morning. Tomorrow morning in the rotation is a Schick Type-E (1935-1945).