2023 Shaving Acquisitions Thread

Long after @SpeedyPC is gone only his stash of soap and that handle will remain.
Hey Speedy, bad form to diss another guy's toys. Just sayin'...
Last week, we had a birthday party for my oldest who turned 5, the middle child who is two and a half had a great time but he didn’t handle his jealousy well as his brother got some cool new toys, sadly he needed some quiet time after a biting and hair pulling incident.

the story feels relevant.
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Last week, we had a birthday party for my oldest who turned 5, the middle child who is two and a half had a great time but he didn’t handle his jealousy well and needed some quiet time after a biting and hair pulling incident, the story feels relevant.
Ooh. I think we all must have experienced something like that at some point in our childhood. Some kids I've known made it a pattern. :rolleyes:
Ooh. I think we all must have experienced something like that at some point in our childhood. Some kids I've known made it a pattern. :rolleyes:
jealousy is certainly a problem, even for big boys.
And one good thing about that is that it will NEVER rot. Mwahahahaha... :D
for everyone’s edification, I’ll add that Osage is considered extremely rot resistant much like red mulberry, black locust and yew, Osage however is the hardest and densest of these which resulted in it being used as in ground fence posts in areas where it is abundant.
Simply put, it won’t rot in this application.