Lather Shots


Squadron Soap + Thäter
@alfredus - now I understand how you get 17 shaves out of a tub of soap! I understand the method is to start out relatively dry and slowly add water - can I ask how long it took for you to build the lather in that photo?

The method is absolutely correct (I use it for every soap) and I'd say maybe ~2-3 minutes? I must also admit, that these days I always add a pinch of citric acid to my water in the sink. The water here is very hard and the process would probably take twice as long without the citric. Dirt cheap in every super market...



Soap Commander Courage test lather! Palm lathered with the TF Custom Chubby, kept pumping water into it until it was shiny, yogurty goodness! Couldn't help snap a couple pics and just had to get it on my face! Felt and smelt amazing, and just incredibly stable! Seemed a shame not to shave with it, but that'll have to wait until the morning. Rinsed and applied the balm and oh boy what a treat! Smells every bit as good as.the soap and the menthol comes in late and lovely. If it performs the way I think it will it could be my new 'daily driver'.

Australian Private Reserve + Maseto
Great looking lather! My lathers are getting better and better but they never look quite as shiny and silky as yours. Maybe it's the lighting? Probably not, but great to see and something to aim for (or change a few light bulbs)
Great looking lather! My lathers are getting better and better but they never look quite as shiny and silky as yours. Maybe it's the lighting? Probably not, but great to see and something to aim for (or change a few light bulbs)
Thanks - that's very kind of you (y)

The lightning in my bathroom is horrible for taking pictures and the colours are always way off. I always have to do some GIMPing to show at least some of the shine...