Popularity Contest

It's getting time on the net that's tricky. Been on holiday with 3 kids under 10 lately?

LOL - I remember those days!

My 'kids' are now 17, 15, 12.

Going on holidays WiFi is a must - and a decent connection too.

You spend all day taking photos and all night uploading and sharing them.

Peace and quiet and getting away from it all? No way!

Holidays means no school to interrupt socialising via fb etc etc
It's getting time on the net that's tricky. Been on holiday with 3 kids under 10 lately?

That's easy. Bury them in their beds, tell her indoors to go and have that complimentary sauna facial thing, grab a bottle of wine and Bob's your Uncle. Been on holiday with adult male boys latey? They'll drag you out to go drinking and paying the bar tab all hours. No down time then.
Who holidays in Gosnells??

Gosnells? I can't remember when I last saw that name in print. I thought they'd done the honourable thing and bulldozed it or put a razor wire fence around it and turned it in to a Gulag.
PJ they may have...I don't stray that far south. Even though I live in Midland, I rarely go past Forrestfield unless I have to.

Actually I signed up a house for sale in Maddington last week - had a coffee in a shopping centre there in Maddington. That was an eye opener. One in five people owned their own footwear.
Actually I signed up a house for sale in Maddington last week - had a coffee in a shopping centre there in Maddington. That was an eye opener. One in five people owned their own footwear.

Just be glad you didn't have to go to Rockingham.
Ha yeah I've been to Rockingham, it's Bogan Capital of WA.

Nice near the beach though.

Thanks but it's a day to day thing. I'm already closing in on the all time leaders. I managed a listen today and I'm still in but they seem to have switched up the tracks. The one today was supposed to be last Fridays so no idea what they've been playing last week
............The one today was supposed to be last Fridays so no idea what they've been playing last week

So you were om holiday somewhere without internet and without radio? I think those would even be available if you were staying at Mawson's cabin in Antarctica.
Currently by the pool on free wifi at the Shangri la. Getting Internet isn't the issue. Getting on it at 10:30 everyday is
Back home after a great holiday. Enjoyed Singapore way more than I expected. We didn't skimp on anything, so that helps.

I'm closing in on the record - I think it's 20 days or something? Here's an update on what's getting me through.





Yeah, I know, you're all busting to know if I'm still a radio celeb on the station you've never heard of, or listen to.

I am. They love me. The host said so. They love me so much he's been trying to stir people up to bounce me off. It didn't work. He said this should kill me off. It didn't. (NOT the original video, but should raise some interest in this thread...)


Now, this could have torn it. I heard this on the in-flight radio on the way back from Singers. I fucking hate country. But I couldn't resist this. If I couldn't, who else could?

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Still don't know what it is. The last long run I'm ware of was 19 days, and that was last year. I've already cracked that.

I've a feeling my next few choices will find Doris's limits pretty easily. The producer has been nudging me along to get edgy. I reckon that's the tactic to get you to go over the edge. He's a young bloke, he'd stick something like The Prodigy on, no problem.
Anything Hip-hoppy in the slightest should see you off.

You got that right. If today's risque track gets me through, I'm hitting them up with some Chili Peppers. Hip hopping obnoxious funk rockness.

EDIT. Uh oh, they did a switcheroo and played the chilis today. Man, AM radio has some angry angry people. And they love to get on the phone and tell you.
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I reckon you should get this one on the airwaves:
