Saying hi!

Question for you (and anyone else that may per chance be able to assist).
What military issued gear do you have ?
Well I have a few Aussie made Gillettes blades which according to legend were issued to the military/armed forces.
The question of military issue is interesting.

Gillette marketed a number of sets as military sets but often sold them to civilians going into the military rather than them being military issue. Having said that they were contracted to produce sets for the US Army

Some examples below from Mr-Razor's site



They also supplied to the military Techs in later years



and the Red Cross supplied razors in Vietnam

I handballed PJ a SPUD that was allegedly US issue

Yes you did. The cap was painted black so I can still shave whilst in the sights of a sniper. There's an army rifle range here somewhere. To test it I'll put on my camouflage gear and make up and sneak up on them and have a shave. By the way plenty of SPUDS in that picture. If it's good enough for the armed forces it's good enough for us civilians.
I was contemplating the idea of us members forming an Aussie issued kit and donating it to the RSL for display.
Would this be something others would feel worthy of pursuing ?

Idea came to me after picking up a nos in box issued brush from a Salvo's.
Too good to use and feel it would be better put to use as an educational piece.
I was contemplating the idea of us members forming an Aussie issued kit and donating it to the RSL for display.
Would this be something others would feel worthy of pursuing ?

Idea came to me after picking up a nos in box issued brush from a Salvo's.
Too good to use and feel it would be better put to use as an educational piece.

Nice idea - not sure what was Aussie Army issued though.

NOS brush? Pics ???

Oh, look here at what the AWM has under razors.

How the mighty have fallen - 1990s issue from here


Pics speak a thousand words apparently :)
And I've used it :) OMG felt so good!!

So used prasao red, the tech & persona (blue paper). 1 pass wg & 1 xg, went the wrong way with a few strokes but yeah. Followed up with dermalogica after shave balm..

Got a few things to sort out,

- More/"wetter" lather... Lather seems to dry on my face...
- slightly better angle, no cuts but not that close
- actually remember to follow my face mapping
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I know I'm just the new guy, but I know what I like…and I really like the look of this. What model Gillette is it? How good is the razor?…let's say compared with modern Merkurs, Parkers or Edwin Jaggers?

Ball end old type - might just have a spare got sale .... :)
Hmmm...How good is the razor?…let's say compared with modern Merkurs, Parkers or Edwin Jaggers?
Hmmm...How good is the razor?…let's say compared with modern Merkurs, Parkers or Edwin Jaggers?

I find them quite aggressive compared to the current crop ...
Hmmm...How good is the razor?…let's say compared with modern Merkurs, Parkers or Edwin Jaggers?

Don't know how it compares to those but the Gillette old type head is one of the most aggressive open combs out there (IMHO). I use one (an ABC razor which basically has a very similar head) every shave around the mustache area. It's a 1920s design razor and I think it's aggression with modern DE blades is due to the fact that the first blades produced were slightly smaller. I wouldn't recommend any open comb to somebody starting out and certainly not this one. It is however a very elegant looking three piece and if you've got a mo it shaves really close in because it's so thin.

By the way if you like the look of that one, check out ABC (American Button Company) razors. Absolutely beautiful. Bought one off you know who.
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