Shave of the Day 2014

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Travelling Box SOTD #4 with a @Drubbing inspired purchase used for the first time.

Butterscotch re-knot
Speick stick
Bakelite SPUD with vintage Wilkie on No 8 or 9
Natio post shave balm

Speick's great stuff. Forgotten about it for months but found a tiny bit of a stick rummaging around in the drawer. I retired the Wilkie, not because I couldn't have squeezed a few more out but it's time to dig out the SEs again. Natio is not bad. A bit greasy but I don't mind that. Nice and cheap too.
Brush: Omega 80005
Soap/Cream: Shave Place glycerine soap "Bay Rum"
Razor: Slim on 4
Blade: Voskhod (1)
Post-shave: Alum
After-shave: Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum

An enjoyable shave. Smooth and scented just right.

Applying alum after the shave is a reflex for me but not sure I need it with an alcohol-based AS. Thoughts?
Natio is not bad. A bit greasy but I don't mind that. Nice and cheap too.

I find it gets absorbed in a few minutes. As good as the Nivea but cheaper!
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Occams Original Shaving Cream
Razor: Weber PH w/- Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Blue 'Labs' - shave 3
After-shave: Old Spice - current formulation

Apart from distraction when my wife walked into the bathroom and I nicked myself a fine shave.

I commented previously about the Weber seeming heavy and I think I can describe that better now - to my mind it is 'unbalanced' with the weight in the handle so much that you really feel it there. By contrast the Gillette #16 razor is heavy but balanced with a heavier head. Not sure whether I will stick with the Weber long term.
Apart from distraction when my wife walked into the bathroom and I nicked myself a fine shave.

You need a section on "Audience" once again...

I commented previously about the Weber seeming heavy and I think I can describe that better now - to my mind it is 'unbalanced' with the weight in the handle so much that you really feel it there. By contrast the Gillette #16 razor is heavy but balanced with a heavier head. Not sure whether I will stick with the Weber long term.

Interesting. Would you swap the handle with another so get a better balance?
Interesting. Would you swap the handle with another so get a better balance?

I'm not sure that there is a head that would have sufficient weight to balance this handle to be honest.

Other Weber owners might disagree with me and it may be the way I hold it but this is certainly why it seemed 'heavy' on first use
Soap was frankencroap that I made from the grated puck of GF Trumper stuff. Bloody good.( thanks Drubb's)
Razor, well I still favour the Feather Artist Club SS (Japanese style) but also use the Futur for speed shaving.
Brush, well there can be only one (when packing to move house) the almighty Frenchy, Plisson Synthetic. I am sold on this thing.
AS, Home-made again. But throw in some Speik always after the compulsory Alum.
I'm not sure that there is a head that would have sufficient weight to balance this handle to be honest.

Other Weber owners might disagree with me and it may be the way I hold it but this is certainly why it seemed 'heavy' on first use

The weight was an issue for me, Mark. My first shave felt quite awkward. I'm going to persist in the hope that my technique will adjust accordingly.
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Soap/Cream: Occams Original Shaving Cream
Razor: Weber PH w/- Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Blue 'Labs' - shave 6
After-shave: SIM balm

Last decent shave before I go off for the rest of the week to run a conference. I'm getting the hang of the Weber. It might just make the cut ...
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Brush: Simpsons Classic 2
Soap/Cream: Tabac
Razor: Weber PH w/- Bulldog handle
Blade: Gillette Black
After-shave: Tabac Lotion
Scent: Azzaro PH

I feared after the first shave that the Weber was the twin of the DE89. But now that I have adjusted my angles I'm getting the hang of the Weber too - and I reckon it is a smoother and closer shave. Pretty forging too though.

I know it is sacrilege but I am sticking with this line-up all month - the only change is the scent (depends how I feel after each shave) and the blades - have some Feathers coming tomorrow and I will try them for the rest of the month. Also interchanging the Tabac Lotion and Balms post-shave.

So this will get me and the Weber closer. As it will with the Classic (CL2), this will be handy as I'm struggling to find a preference between the CL2 or the Duke 2. But most of all I'm looking forward to bonding more with the Tabac soap. It is amazing stuff to my eye and nose. Love Tabac!…thank @glenos (who PIFed me the Lotion that got me hooked!)
Brush: Muhle 'Silvertip Fibre' travel shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Euro Palmolive Classic in a re-purposed glue stick tube
Razor: Sensor Excel Twin Blade Cartridge 'System'
Blade: Sensor Excel Twin Blade Cartridge
After-shave: Aqua Velva Musk

Great brush + great soap = great lather

Pity the Sensor Excel is so (comparatively) rubbish

Finishing off with the dregs of my Aqua Velva Musk from Pasteur in a little travel bottle. Looking forward to the Weber on Saturday already ...
What did you think of the vintage French Inoxydyable blade Peachy?
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