Shave of the Day 2015

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Brush: Plisson L'Occy synth
Razor: Merkur #45
Blade: Feather
Pre-Shave: Proraso Green
Soap/Cream: Proraso Green
Aftershave: Proraso Green

Kept this shave much the same as yesterday's "'king excellent shave!" except traded in the Plisson (ex. 1305) and the Merkur #45 (ex. Standard). The former to probe @Nightguard 's thoughts on the Plisson and the latter to go a little deeper on my thinking (and confusion of @Pjotr ) with the bakelite razors - specifically the #45. So was it a better shave?
Plisson built up a great bubbleless lather and slapped it on so nice. All control no spillage. Very neat indeed.
#45 is just so smooth. More aggressive than the Standard too I contend, so a little more efficient in my books. Not only that but, and I refuse to test this theory myself, you'd be harder pressed to draw blood with the #45. So, yes, loaded with Feathers the #45 is definitely a nicer shave all-round for me than the Standard**.
** Caveat: the Standard is a damn smooth and efficient razor - better than any Gillette I've compare it to directly - so far this has included the Slim, Fatboy, Super Adjustable, Rocket HD, Red Tip, NEW LC. Yep, this sort of talk will get me banned from P&C but the truth must be told. The #45 aint just a travel razor it is a real contender for everyday.

I'm thinking of adding a #45 (that comes back!) to the next travelling box - PCTB3

Next the Weber vs. the #45 with a Feather loaded....oh boy.
...and also need to try a vintage SPP in the #45...let's see how smooth we can get.
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........** Caveat: the Standard is a damn smooth and efficient razor - better than any Gillette I've compare it to directly - so far this has included the Slim, Fatboy, Super Adjustable, Rocket HD, Red Tip, NEW LC. Yep, this sort of talk will get me banned from P&C but the truth must be told. The #45 aint just a travel razor it is a real contender for everyday.........

He's gettin' hooked! :LOL::ROFLMAO::):D(y)

Monsta Edit - you forgot the smileys!
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He's gettin' hooked!
Are you s'posed to say that out loud mate?
Be honest I'm not so worried about settling down daily with a bakelite, but more if the likes of the SPP goes well, and so the plastic needs to be fed vintage metal.
Are you s'posed to say that out loud mate?
Be honest I'm not so worried about settling down daily with a bakelite, but more if the likes of the SPP goes well, and so the plastic needs to be fed vintage metal.

If feeding it with SPPs means you'll become a member of the SPUD club, I'll keep feeding you with SPPs.
If feeding it with SPPs means you'll become a member of the SPUD club, I'll keep feeding you with SPPs.
Is that an universal offer mate ? :p
On the topic of scents, does anyone know of plans for new scents in the range ?
@Occams is the man to ask!

I think the pre-shave adds more glide. But any PS is a subjective topic. It will certainly clean your skin! [emoji6]

Scent-wise I find it's the same scent as the cream. Certainly nothing like Arko. A complex scent (especially with spices) will usually have a different profile or highlights to different people. But isn't Arko fairly one dimensional in scent?
Brush: Omega 48
Pre-Shave: Proraso Pre/Post
Soap/Cream: Shaver Heaven Heavenly Amber
Razor: 38C
Blade: Personna Super/LB [3]
After-shave: Old Spice (Indian)

The Shaver Heaven soap is a great performer. Highly recommended.
@Occams is the man to ask!

I think the pre-shave adds more glide. But any PS is a subjective topic. It will certainly clean your skin! [emoji6]

Scent-wise I find it's the same scent as the cream. Certainly nothing like Arko. A complex scent (especially with spices) will usually have a different profile or highlights to different people. But isn't Arko fairly one dimensional in scent?
Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not comparing the actual scent profile to Arko, yet it's behaviour in use is akin to what I personally experience with Arko.
Some days using Arko it was a relatively pleasant scent, other days, it was distractingly unpleasant.
Be honest though I'm little inspired to grab for a synthetic when there is so much nice naturals staring back at me from the cabinet, much to the chagrin of my vegetarian wife :oops:

That's how you can justify buying of Synths now. Or you justify more badgers with:

"The Chinese are going to eat them anyway, so their hair will go to waste. It's an insult to the animal unless we make the very most of their sacrifice".

Brush: Plisson Synth
Cream: Proraso Green
Razor: Fatboy
Blade: La brune française Wilkinsons (8? 9? Too many, since Jan 1)
After-shave: wat yo talkin' about Willis?

Tried to leave more water in the brush this time, and less product. Ended up with a watery mess which strangely enough whipped up into a beaut microbubble lather, especially on the second pass. This Plisson really is the goods but I still need to work on how to get the best out of it without having half of it over the bathroom mirror and sink!

I have a feeling it's a cream dipping brush & not a Proraso Tube brush. Oh well.

Shave was a bit rough as a result as the first pass was overly wet & dealing with 3 days of growth on an 8-9 shave blade. Bit raw on the rinse but didn't bother with even Alum. I needed to pay pennance for the awful first pass lather.
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Razor: Gillette knick knack
Blade: Astra
Cream: Hermes canned goo
Post: Proraso green splash

Been down at Ocean grove this weekend and reverted to canned goo. Having used some the finest products shaving has to offer over the last 18 months it has confirmed I can never go back. If Proraso ever got into the mainstream canned shaving cream would be a thing of the past.
Tried to leave more water in the brush this time, and less product. Ended up with a watery mess which strangely enough whipped up into a beaut microbubble lather, especially on the second pass. This Plisson really is the goods but I still need to work on how to get the best out of it without having half of it over the bathroom mirror and sink!

I have a feeling it's a cream dipping brush & not a Proraso Tube brush. Oh well.


I use the synth for both. Process is the same. Shake out the brush and stick some cream on, add water as neccessary. For soaps, I wet the top to make sure the tips are damp. Easy as.
If Proraso ever got into the mainstream canned shaving cream would be a thing of the past.
I was referring to their traditional shaving cream. Probably a third of the price of supermarket stuff but blows it away in performance!
I hear ya mate. Just rediscovered both the tube (red) and tub (green). Top stuff. A shame they still stoop to the goop.
Is that an universal offer mate ? :p

Yep, take it as a bribe or an encouragement or a pat on the back but genuine membership of the SPUD club will get you an introductory, complimentary stash of SPPs, or English Wilkies or whatever I can dig out of my vintage blade collection. It's taken me years to double the current membership of one so I'm in no danger of running short of vintage blades myself trying to convert this sad bunch of metal head razor freaks.
Yep, take it as a bribe or an encouragement or a pat on the back but genuine membership of the SPUD club will get you an introductory, complimentary stash of SPPs, or English Wilkies or whatever I can dig out of my vintage blade collection. It's taken me years to double the current membership of one so I'm in no danger of running short of vintage blades myself trying to convert this sad bunch of metal head razor freaks.
Hmm might be a good idea to stock up, as I have to be honest, I've been curious, even to the point that I've posted a few ebay finds of vintage SPUD's and the blade offer may draw others out of the wood.. ahem metalwork.
Medusa sounds (and looks) evil.
Brush: #1305
Razor: #45
Blade: SPP
Pre-Shave: Myrsol Emulsion
Soap/Cream: Jabonman Violetas
Aftershave: Myrsol Emulsion

Thought I'd test out two things this morning:
1. the Merkur #45 with an Schick Plus Platinum (SPP) loaded - esp. how it compares to the Feather, and
2. fancy schmancy software after a week or so slumming it with Proraso.

Sorry but I can't make a definitive call on the SPP vs. Feather in the #45 just yet. The SPP this morning was ahhhh-so smooth and post-shave feel is nice and close. Just felt a few little bites. Other than the single-drop bleeder under my lip - not the fault of razor or blade but more user being a dick - I hit a couple of speed bumps along the way. As I type now, 15 minutes or so post-shave, I am feeling some pin-sharp points and a little burning. But, again, this needs more testing as it might be the software (esp. aftershave) doing its healing best.

Myrsol Emulsion (sample from @filobiblic ) felt nice on as a pre-shave, soaking in as I busied myself with blade replacement and lather building.
The lather from the Jabonman is second-to-none.
Glide? Check
Protection? Check
Post-Shave feel? Check

The Violetas came in as a sample - thanks to @filobiblic . The lather is of the same impeccable quality and this scent gets great press and so I was keen to see how it compared to all else in this Spanish artisan's range.....but in short this "just aint me". Never much liked floral scents personally and this one doesn't even pretend to be subtle. This is smack across the face and rammed up both nostrils floweriness. For aficionados of violet I reckon you'd crack a monster smile, but for those of the old school of tobacco, leather, rum, and whisky persuasion this scent invades space like a fussing mum in a barbershop.

Had second thoughts about the Myrsol Emulsion as a post-shave, me and balms don't much get along, but I thought I'd at least give it a try for completeness. Soaks in just fine and now - 20 minutes on - my face feels much the same as post-lotion slap. No real greasiness but, as mentioned earlier, there is a little sting still. I know Myrsol is restorative goodness so I assume it is beavering away at the atomic level doing me a good service. But I can feel it.....
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Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Razor: Barbasol 'Floating Head'
Blade: Personna Lab Blue - shave 6
Cream: Mike's Natural Shaving Soaps - Barbershop
Aftershave: Floid

The test - how does the Barbasol handle two days of growth? Easily is the answer!!!

Only one small weeper and a BBS result - nice :)
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