Shave of the Day 2015

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Looks like I've found my first razor/blade combo that just doesn't work.
I've liked voskhods in everything else but the ERR just hates them.
Just a few strokes and I had to take the blade out and use it in my black handled superspeed (a bycatch when blade buying).
The rest of the shave was uneventful.
Brush: Shavemac Silvertip fan 22x48
Razor: feather asd2
Blade: Astra platinum
Cream: cf lavender
Post: proraso green splash/ Cade asb

Astra have come up after a 10 pack of feathers. Wow 2nd shave and they just blow feathers away for me. This blade just works remarkably well in the asd2! I believe cause there thicker they open up the blade gap which is probably designed around very thin feather blades.

A lot of talk around the plisson synthetic lately (peach and dad have one). For me my shavemac is the one I would send in to battle.
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Brush: Vintage butterscotch Culmak re-knotted with TGN finest
Razor: Barbasol 'Floating Head'
Blade: Personna Lab Blue - shave 4
Cream: PannaCrema Vetiver
Aftershave: SIM balm

OK, time trial this morning - can I do a quick shave with the Barbasol? No chance I would risk the Floid or a splash with the result but nor did I expect to require the Lucky Tiger (arrogance?) so settled on the comforting SIM balam

You can read the gory details here - Barbasol 'Floating Head' Razor

Toy razor with Astra blade

Omega boar

Mikes rosemary & peppermint (thanks filobiblic!)

Mild razor with a sharp blade made this mornings shave a breeze. The mikes made it excellent!

Bowl lathering isn't my forte and this brush is just rubbish after using the Berkeley. ShaverHut said simpsons short shipped their latest order - wee scot only thing missing [emoji31] ! Another week should fix that though. Can't wait! The omega is like a straw broom compared.

So this is a very fresh scent, with a touch of menthol, excellent summer choice. The lather wasn't overly dense but seemed very slick! It certainly is good on the face, I didn't use any balm, which us a first. With a decent brush I think it would lather a lot better. This is good stuff!
Brush: Duke 2
Razor: Merkur #25
Blade: Feather (1)
Cream: Proraso Red
Aftershave: Floid

Yep, I thought this razor'd be good and I weren't wrong. Light but the blade angle is damned efficient - zero pressure required and with a Feather smooth as...both the razor and my face. You know folks that @Pjotr is onto something with these plastic razors. So trade done and #25 is mine!

P.S., @Mark1966 Lucky Tiger is nice and soothing but it lacks the bite and scent I enjoy from the likes of the Floid, Captains Choice, Tabac, etc. But if the shave goes awry it, the Speick and Agua Balsamica are on hand
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  • Merkur 37c
  • Franken-latrecentlyf Mike's Lime and some Godrej Menthol Mist
  • Permasharp (3)
  • Plisson syth
Stinking hot here so went for a cold water shave as @alfredus recommended recently. Worked a treat despite the Godrej doing nothing for the lather, waste of good Mike's actually. 37c, PSS, Plisson all held up their ends of the deal. Good shave and will stick with cold water shaves till it cools, great tip!

Glad you like it. Do you do it with warm lather as well? I just soak my brush in hot water, but everything else (washing my face, rinsing in between passes and at the end, etc.) I use cold water. Feels like I'm getting the best of both worlds...
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Simpson
Razor: Barbasol 'Floating Head'
Blade: Personna Lab Blue - shave 5
Cream: Mike's Natural Shaving Soaps - Barbershop
Aftershave: Floid

Well I think that the Barbasol and I have an understanding now. She does like the taste of a little blood each morning but for the price I get a great BBS shave - pity that only lasts to lunch time in any event :(

Used the Mike's this morning now I've taken the sample out I wanted for the PCTB3 later this year. Love the Mike's soaps!!!!

P.S., @Mark1966 Lucky Tiger is nice and soothing but it lacks the bite and scent I enjoy from the likes of the Floid, Captains Choice, Tabac, etc. But if the shave goes awry it, the Speick and Agua Balsamica are on hand

Yes, it is one of my go to products to heal the face - or when I want to wear cologne instead of an aftershave. Use the LT then apply cologne.
Glad you like it. Do you do it with warm lather as well? I just soak my brush in hot water, but everything else (washing my face, rinsing in between passes and at the end, etc.) I use cold water. Feels like I'm getting the best of both worlds...

I think it's a great idea for summer/warmer periods - I face lathered only - so my body heat would have provided all the additional heat the lather needed to reach it's zenith. If one was to bowl lather I think you'd be well advised to warm the bowl otherwise most soaps won't lather as well (moderate heat being an often overlooked aspect of a happy lather).

I just used the Plisson Synth, hence a dip in the water (which was cold) was all it needed - everything else was cold. And interestingly the cool razor head felt great over the skin, almost a menthol-esque effect as one shaved.

Anyway I think it's a good idea and credit to you for sharing it.
Brush: Smog 1305
Razor: Standard
Blade: Feather
Pre-Shave: Proraso Green
Soap/Cream: Proraso Green
Aftershave: Proraso Green

Lesson, well and truly, learned. Being a snob is its own punishment. This 'cheap' beginner' shit isn't. OK it is cheap but it's far from faecal.
'king excellent shave!...
...beyond the software the Standard and Feather is figuring as my favourite combo, and even the 1305 worked well today, very well.

Thanks to @vanNek for an excellent BST trade.
.....Yep, I thought this razor'd be good and I weren't wrong. Light but the blade angle is damned efficient - zero pressure required and with a Feather smooth as...both the razor and my face. You know folks that @Pjotr is onto something with these plastic razors. So trade done and #25 is mine!.........

I'm in tears. Finally a convert. I'll even forgive him his aversion to Arko.
Brush: Smog 1305
Razor: Standard
Blade: Feather
Pre-Shave: Proraso Green
Soap/Cream: Proraso Green
Aftershave: Proraso Green

Lesson, well and truly, learned. Being a snob is its own punishment. This 'cheap' beginner' shit isn't. OK it is cheap but it's far from faecal.
'king excellent shave!....

There's a difference between cheap and inexpensive. Just because Trumpers, Castle Forbes and Artisan soap dipped in shaving fairy dust costs 3-4x more, doesn't mean it's better.
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dashed :(

Poor old @Pjotr
...ooops made a bit of an error the Merkur is not a #25 but a #45

Ahhh, no @Pjotr sorry mate, I'm merely commenting halfway into my journey. The PJPF (PJ Plastic Fantastic) converted me to the mild razor/sharp razor combo. Now I am experimenting further and the light-weight aluminium Standard is figuring as better than my heavier razors...but there is still someways to go. I've only had one shave with the #45 and I reckon it is going to go damn fine. It is super-light (15g) but pretty aggressive....look at that blade bend! But I need a bit more adjusting - very different to anything I've shaved with before - as the angle of the handle seems to be getting almost parallel to the face. But it is alrady very, very smooth and efficient.

Brush: Plisson Synthetic
Pre-Shave: Occams Original pre-shave
Soap/Cream: Occams Original shave cream
Razor: iKon Shavecraft #102 head on Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Super/LB [3]
After-shave: Floïd Vigoroso

A very nice shave after three days insterstate. The #102 literally wiped off the 3&1/2 day growth. The doubt over of the efficiency of this razor has been blown away. It definitely belongs to the slant family...
Brush: Plisson Synthetic
Pre-Shave: Occams Original pre-shave
Soap/Cream: Occams Original shave cream
Razor: iKon Shavecraft #102 head on Weber Bulldog handle
Blade: Personna Super/LB [3]
After-shave: Floïd Vigoroso

A very nice shave after three days insterstate. The #102 literally wiped off the 3&1/2 day growth. The doubt over of the efficiency of this razor has been blown away. It definitely belongs to the slant family...

Sounds a nice shave mate - with the #102 and you bonding. I got an bar of Occams pre-shave soap in the cabinet too, how you store yours between shaves?
Sounds a nice shave mate - with the #102 and you bonding. I got an bar of Occams pre-shave soap in the cabinet too, how you store yours between shaves?
I leave it out to dry (usually on its driest end/side) and then store it in a small plastic container.
Funny you two are rating @Occams pre-shave as I've been using the original.
While I think it aids the overall shave experience, I find the scent akin to Arko, not in scent profile, yet in personal interpretation.
Some times it is a pleasing acceptable aroma, others it misses the mark and is mildly off-putting, well at least for me.
It will be interesting to see how the lime goes when it is it's turn.

On the topic of scents, does anyone know of plans for new scents in the range ?
Certainly a better brush for me than the Muhle STF2.
Heretic! Burn the heretic...
...nah mate just joshing ya. Just goes to show the whole YMMV thing rings true even down here away from YKW. Seems you simply do like the fibre better as the knot size of the Plisson is about the same girth as your STF2 - which is 21mm if I recall correctly? I'll need to try my 23mm STF2 vs the Plisson synthetic. Be honest though I'm little inspired to grab for a synthetic when there is so much nice naturals staring back at me from the cabinet, much to the chagrin of my vegetarian wife :oops:
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