Shave of the Day 2015

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Thanks for the Tim's sample @SydBJW - great scent and performance. Brought out @borked's Toggle as he doesn't want it back just yet. Not sure that the Rapira pairs well with it...
Ended with the Swiss Pitralon with its lovely fruity-floral scent.
I managed a simple DFS tonight with my SE Gem Gbar. I have been weary most of the day and while I would like to cross swords so to speak with one of my straights I would like my mind to be at least as sharp as the razor which tonight it isn't. It was a good shave and I feel refreshed after it. Can't ask much more really.
Brush Shedomatic
Soap PAA Strewth
Razor Slim Shady on 5 for 1st pass, 3 on second, NO THIRD (to give an idea, it's usually 9 wtg, 9 atg, 5 xtg to finish off)!
Blade Rapira (0)
Post Shave Cold water, LOTS of cold water, then PAA Menthol Pre-Shave soap, half of Warragamba dam of cold water, finally Nivea Sensitive ASB

Gave my poor tortured face 48 hour off from a razor, in which time, I had the thought that the prior bad shave may be due to the Rapira being on it's last legs and/or the razor is too aggressive.
Pic is worth a thousand words they say...

Yes, the soap failed to afford enough protection to prevent opening up an old war wound and left stubble.
Yellow skin tone is due to sticking my head into liquid nitrogen, ahem I wish I could, it is due to shadows.

I will venture to trying another soap in case it's one of the fragrance oils or just a bad batch... eventually, yet NOT with this scent!
What's weird is the A/S has nowhere near the same effect, yet does sting/burn a bit, @shavetheman @D_Smythe any suggestions what's going on here to result in this reaction ?

SOTD Friday, October 23

Cold water shave
Preshave: bloomwater
Soap: Shaver Heaven, Barbershop
Brush: Edwin Jagger badger
Face lather
Razor: Dovo Inox 5/8

Loaded the badger in around 10 sececonds. Plenty of lather produced for 3 passes & a tidy up run. @Anthony does A great job at producing distinctive scents but more importantly, top performing shave soaps. The straight just glides over the face and that moisture and glide stays till the end of each pass.

The Dovo after I recently refreshed the edge is performing well. Efficient, close & no nicks.

Finished with 2 short blacks and some home made bay rum A/S, my day has started with a mountain-top experience.
G'day Dale.Whiley, Looking at your SOTD photo I'm interested in crossing over to a straight razor shaving and was looking at the same Dovo you have in the post, would you recommend that dovo for a beginner also not sure about stropping what would be a fair strop to buy.

At the moment i have been shaving with a Feather custom razor shavette just to see how i went and surprisingly wasn't to bad see yesterdays SOTD photo.

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20151023_081817 by Osman Mehmed, on Flickr
Preshave: Proraso Red
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 with Windrose Handle
Blade: Permasharp Super
Brush: Vie Long Horse
Soap: Saponificio Varesino Dolomiti
Post: Shave: Proraso Green and Loccitane BAVX Balm
Three pass shave. Pressed a small amount of the soap into my bowl to produce a large amount of excellent lather. Great shave left my face feeling smooth and soft.
Well I see one obvious problem mate.. missed the shave in a few places.
Standard procedure due to growth patterns and shaving blind.
Usually cleaned up with a third pass.
No way I was even contemplating that with this shave.
Hi @borked was there anything new in that shave. It does look like you have had a reaction to a particular soap component or a particular fragrance. Possibly there has been a reaction between the different products. Just thinking out loud.

Hi @borked was there anything new in that shave. It does look like you have had a reaction to a particular soap component or a particular fragrance. Possibly there has been a reaction between the different products. Just thinking out loud.

Only thing is the PAA soap. Have reacted twice to it like this, yet nothing in PAA usual ingredients should cause this.
Might be a FO.
G'day Dale.Whiley, Looking at your SOTD photo I'm interested in crossing over to a straight razor shaving and was looking at the same Dovo you have in the post, would you recommend that dovo for a beginner also not sure about stropping what would be a fair strop to buy.

At the moment i have been shaving with a Feather custom razor shavette just to see how i went and surprisingly wasn't to bad see yesterdays SOTD photo.

Like your post.
Just message the resident Honemeister and everything naked blade Master Enabler @Mark - he resides in your neck of the woods as well and should take care of all your hardware needs with a nice setup in no time ;)

Pre-Shave: Occams pre-shave soap, cold water
Razor: IKON DLC Slant with long Bulldog handle
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Vie-Long Epsilon 2-band
Soap: Mike's Orange, Cedarwood, & Black Pepper
Post-shave: Alum, Stirling Vetiver alcohol free Witch Hazel, South Australian Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil​

Happy very day of fastrubation is all I have to report back from this shave :D:D:D
Kamisori: Yamashita
Brush: Omega S10108
Soap: Bald Diddy Lanolin V2 Patchouli
Aftershave: Myrsol Antesol

The edge is plenty sharp but could do with a bit of a hone in order to improve the smoothness. It feels a little 'serrated' in the middle of the blade.

Shaving with no handle worked out fine.
G'day Dale.Whiley, Looking at your SOTD photo I'm interested in crossing over to a straight razor shaving and was looking at the same Dovo you have in the post, would you recommend that dovo for a beginner also not sure about stropping what would be a fair strop to buy.

At the moment i have been shaving with a Feather custom razor shavette just to see how i went and surprisingly wasn't to bad see yesterdays SOTD photo.

Like your post.
G'day @cranky,

My tip that will be agreed to by most members here, talk to @Mark. He will get a bargain buy for you, it will be sharp and he is a fountain of knowledge to improve your straight journey. I wish I had @Mark's wisdom & input before I blindly stumbled into straight shaving. Use @Mark's experience to increase your own knowledge.
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