Shave of the Day 2015

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Did you like the scent and performance of the Tim's soap?
Absolutely mate. The scent of Tim's BoC is out-of-this-world. It changes from the bowl, to the lather and sitting on the face. This is a complex little thing...but I don't need any, I repeat I DO NOT NEED ANY....oh who am I kidding , I'm doomed!

Thanks for the sample mate - you're a legend!

SOTD Wednesday, October 21.

Don't know what happened to this morning's post so here goes again.

Cold water shave
Soap: Shaver Heaven, Spiced Mahogany
Brush: Edwin Jagger badger
Face lather
Razor: Inoue Fujisuke kamisori

Spiced Mahogany is a great scent, sweet but not sickly, definitely bringing visions of polished timber hall stands. Oh yeah, performs very well too.

First shave with the "naked" kami (plastic/rubber handle removed). I did not find it slipperier/less grippy. A gentle but firm hold controlled the blade as usual with no discernible difference. And it looks more bad-arse.

Great shave. Walked about a foot taller today.
Tues & Wed

Cetaphil Cleansing Bar
Razor: Merkur 34c HD
Blade: Astra SP (2 & 3)
Soap: Shaver Heaven Buttered Rum & Proraso Green Cream (respectively)
Brush: Semogue 1800
Splash: Speick

I've been seeing some great improvements in the shave rash on my neck (ingrowns) and not sure what to attribute it to. Potentially pre-shave soap/routine, blade or just better technique (got stupid swirling directional hairs on neck so hard to get the passes right).

I've also been bowl lathering previously, and decided to change to face this week to see how it goes. So far I'm liking it. I have the mensbiz super badger there which I haven't used for a face lather yet, as I'm wanting to stick with the boar for a bit and break it in.

I did think that I butchered my face on Tues morning. I felt like I went a bit far with my pursuit of a bbs shave, and got some confirmation with the Speick that I had. However, the aftermath was actually fine (no persistent redness or rash). Went easier today and was a much better feel.
Absolutely mate. The scent of Tim's BoC is out-of-this-world. It changes from the bowl, to the lather and sitting on the face. This is a complex little thing...but I don't need any, I repeat I DO NOT NEED ANY....oh who am I kidding , I'm doomed!

Thanks for the sample mate - you're a legend!

@stillshunter I was talking to Tim on facebook he has confirmed he will have a supplier is Australia (must be that mystery store ;) ) and that he will soon offer international shipping.
@stillshunter I was talking to Tim on facebook he has confirmed he will have a supplier is Australia (must be that mystery store ;) ) and that he will soon offer international shipping.
If I hear about this bloody mythical store of Con's one more time I think my eye balls and ear holes are going to explode. I saved a nice little wad of cash for the opening a few months back, now I'm ready to buy a styptic pencil...and if he doesn't pul his finger out then I'll get that from Priceline. ;)
Brush: Whipped Dog ST 24/46
Lather: Ginger Garden 'Spice Grenade'
Razor: CV Heljestrand 'Viking' stainless
Afters: Thayers Unscented & Myrsol Emulsion

Now this is close. That quarter hollows from the stones of @Mark "The Scallywag" is like a hot knife through butter. Big thanks go out to @SydBJW too for the Ginger Garden sample. This is my kind of smell - seriously spot on enough to make my eyes roll. Lather has great glide and protection. Syd, mate, I have no idea how you pick a soap in the morning. If it were me it'd be a chronic case of Buridan's Ass.

SOTD Thursday, October 22

Cold water shave
Soap: Shaver Heaven, Barber Shop
Brush: Simpson Berkerley badger
Face lather
Razor: Dovo Inox 5/8

The Barber Shop is a good "traditional" scent. No traces of "some rare plant harvested only in winter from the Northern face of Tibet's highest mountain", just memories of Dad taking his boys down to Tony's (Antonio's) barber shop in the back of an arcade in Stafford. Many years ago now. Lather was thick and provided plenty of glide for the straight.

After refreshing the edge of the Dovo last week, the shave was close & smooth. I was enjoying my state of nirvana so much I went fora fourth pass today. What a great start to the day.
20151021_223655 by Osman Mehmed, on Flickr

Preshave: Proraso Red
Razor: Edwin Jagger DE89 with Windrose Handle
Blade: Permasharp Super
Brush: Vielong Horse 13065
Soap: B&M Latha
Post Shave: Nivea Balm and Pinaud Clubman AS
Three pass shave. Really enjoying the horse hair brush. It is soft with plenty of spring and it lathered up the Latha easily. BBS result and ready for the day. Enjoy the day everyone.
The only issue I have with the razor so far: it is really hard not to overdo it - it just feels so deceptively smooth on the face!

Wow, @alfredus - it's great to see you are bonding so quickly with the Ikon slant. Just about everything you say about it echoes my feelings. It really is something special once you get it sorted out technique wise, which it seems you've done in record time. Congrats!! I still bet you'll end up trying a Polsiver or something similar when zero pressure becomes automatic.

And thanks for the nice feedback on the pre/post shave oil :)

Q: Why does @alfredus only use stainless steel razors?
A: Cos he's a heavy metal fan...

Face Wash : PAA Menthol Pre_Shave soap
Pre-Shave : Draco Pre/Post Shave Oil
Brush : Thater 2-Band
Soap : Saponificio Varesino 70th Anniv
Razor : Puma Frisuer Freund 5/8
After Shave : Argan Oil
After Shave Splash : Terre D'Hermes

Another very good shave today. I thought I'd better use my own shave oil for a change, and that set my skin up nicely. The lather was wonderful, courtesy of the Thater/SV 70th combination. The lessons learned from Mike's Soap also played a valuable role. The Puma blade was really enjoyable to use, and left me with a near BBS result all over. A few drops of Swisse Argan oil followed the final rinse, and when that had soaked in, a dash of bitter orange fragrance from Terre D'Hermes. Plenty to make a guy feel good in today's shave :)
IMG_1992 by cranky, on Flickr

Seeing all you guy's shaving with straight razors is making me want to share in this experience, so today i broke out a Feather Shavette which I've had for awhile a gave it a go i know its not the same as a real Straight Razor but before spending some money on a Straight thought i would give it a go.

Im converted loved the feeling experience got a couple of nicks but not to bad and the quality of the shave was pretty good for first time what would you guys recommend as a good beginners Straight Razor.

Im converted loved the feeling experience got a couple of nicks but not to bad and the quality of the shave was pretty good for first time what would you guys recommend as a good beginners Straight Razor.

Congrats on making a brave jump! Sounds like you did very well for a first time too! I have a spotless little Merkur 5/8 which would be ideal for a starter, and which I'll let go cheap to a forum member. PM me if you'd like pictures, info etc. :)
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